Xovis Multiplies Your Options in One Fell Swoop




ZOLLIKOFEN, Switzerland, July 2, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- Two new AI features for in-store analytics made possible by Xovis 3D sensors


When their ordinary "all-in-a-day's-work" became extraordinary, Xovis ramped up

their R&D to solve unforeseen challenges. Today, the company proudly presents

two new AI features for their 3D people counting sensors: Face Mask Detection

and View Direction. While View Direction had been hinted at in January this

year, Face Mask Detection has sprung up out of the current situation with

COVID-19. Xovis hopes that this will help their customers stay on top of public

health regulations. The company's innovative and GDPR compliant technology

becomes the only kind to detect face masks directly on 3D sensors.


As Xovis Head of Retail Anne Wyder explains, "COVID-19 has made face masks

compulsory in many public places; we have responded by developing a new AI

feature for our sensors to recognize whether or not face masks are in fact

being worn. In a bid to help businesses adhere to public health regulations,

this new software plugin for Face Mask Detection will be free of charge until

the end of the year for our integrator partners working with the Xovis Cloud



Despite COVID-19, and at the same time because of the global crisis that has

ensued, Xovis is actively providing technological solutions for both occupancy

and physical distancing management. As Xovis CPO Christian Studer puts it: "We

have been busy – we've not only finished development of the much-anticipated

View Direction plugin for in-store analytics, but in an agile response to

changing market demands also stepped up to the plate and created something

extra in our firmware for our customers. Both Face Mask Detection and View

Direction features provide deeper insight into customer behavior – the analysis

of which has become more important than ever before."


As the undisputed innovator of people flow technology based on 3D stereovision

sensors, Xovis is committed to bringing the best products and services to

customers and partners alike. Because people count.


See how Xovis detects Face Masks


e&utm_medium=PR&utm_content=LinkProdukteseite&utm_campaign=FaceMask ]


Read how Xovis View Direction works


_medium=PR&utm_content=LinkViewDirection&utm_campaign=FaceMask ]


Click here for more about Xovis Physical Distancing Solutions

https://www.xovis.com/en/physical-distancing-solutions-with-xovis-3d-sensors/improving-occupancy-management-with-our-3d-sensors/face-mask-detection-made-easy-with-xovis-3d-sensors?utm_source=Newswire&utm_medium=PR&utm_content=LinkLandingPage&utm_campaign=FaceMask ]



Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1199626/Icon_Face_Mask_Detection.jpg 

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1199627/Icon_View_Direction.jpg 

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1190859/Xovis_Logo.jpg 


Company Contact


Industriestrasse 1

3052 Zollikofen





Media Contact

Christian Studer, CPO




Source:  Xovis




