Global AI Software Market Set to Rise Sixfold to Reach Nearly $100 Billion in 2025




LONDON, July 8, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The worldwide market for artificial intelligence software will expand to $98.8

billion by 2025, rising by a factor of six from $16.4 billion in 2025—despite

the varying effects of the COVID-19 pandemic across different industries,

according to Omdia.


The artificial intelligence (AI) software market has experienced tremendous

growth over the past several years. While the COVID-19 pandemic has dampened

growth forecasts for the market, its impact is uneven across industry sectors.

While some industries are retrenching—such as energy, oil, gas, and mining—a

few markets, like healthcare, are accelerating AI adoption. Omdia has developed

four market scenarios based on the duration of the pandemic and the severity of

its economic effect. Omdia's moderate scenario presented in this press release

foresees continued double-digit growth ahead, although the cumulative market

size for 2019-2025 will be reduced by 22 percent compared to the pre-COVID



End users focus on what AI software can do. As a result, Omdia has built a

taxonomy of 340 AI use cases across 23 industry sectors that captures the

software opportunity related to AI. The use cases explain how and why customers

are deploying AI. They help distinguish market reality, i.e., actual deployment

and usage, from market hype. Use cases driving the AI software market include

voice/speech recognition, video surveillance, customer service and marketing

virtual digital assistants (VDAs), network/IT operations monitoring and

management, and supply chain and inventory management.


"Economic effects from the COVID-19 pandemic have widened the dichotomy between

early AI adopters—the 'AI haves'—and the trailing followers—the 'AI have

nots,'" said Omdia senior analyst, Neil Dunay. "Industries that have pioneered

AI deployments and have the largest AI investments are likely to continue to

invest in what they view as proven, indispensable technology for cost cutting,

revenue generation, and enhancing customer experience."


The Artificial Intelligence Software Market Forecasts

[ ]

report from Omdia provides a quantitative assessment of the market

opportunity for AI software. Global market forecasts, segmented by scenario,

use case, industry, technology, geography, horizontal market, and meta

category, extend through 2025. An Executive Summary of the report is available

for free download on the firm's website.  


About Omdia


Omdia [ ] is a global technology research

powerhouse, established following the merger of the research division of

Informa Tech (Ovum, Heavy Reading and Tractica) and the acquired IHS Markit

technology research portfolio*.


We combine the expertise of over 400 analysts across the entire technology

spectrum, analyzing 150 markets publishing 3,000 research solutions, reaching

over 14,000 subscribers, and covering thousands of technology, media and

telecommunications companies.


Our exhaustive intelligence and deep technology expertise allow us to uncover

actionable insights that help our customers connect the dots in today's

constantly evolving technology environment and empower them to improve their

businesses – today and tomorrow.


Omdia is a registered trademark of Informa PLC and/or its affiliates. All other

company and product names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Informa

PLC registered in England and Wales with number 8860726, registered office and

head office 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG, UK. Copyright(C) 2020 Omdia.

All rights reserved.


*The majority of IHS Markit technology research products and solutions were

acquired by Informa in August 2019 and are now part of Omdia.


Infographic -



Media Contact:

Jonathan Cassell



Source: Omdia




