Chengdu Hi-tech Zone Made an Increase by 7% in Industrial Added Value in the First Half of the Year

Chengdu Hi-tech Zone

AsiaNet 84930


CHENGDU, China, July 28,2020/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


In the first half of the year, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone harvested a fruitful reward

in industrial added value worth RMB119.14 billion, with a year-on-year increase

of 7.0%.

(caption: Chengdu Hi-tech Zone)


In the first half of the year, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone achieved a total foreign

trade import and export volume of RMB240.35 billion, with a year-on-year

increase by 26.2%.  


Chengdu High-tech Zone, established in 1988 and approved as the first batch of

national high-tech zones in 1991, is the first national independent innovation

demonstration zone in western China. It is accelerating construction and

turning itself into a national high-quality development demonstration zone and

a world-class high-tech industrial park.


The three pillar industries of the electronic information, biology, and new

economy continue to develop at a rapid rate. 148 electronic information

industrial companies above designated scale generated an output value of

RMB161.89 billion, with a year-on-year increase by 15.3%.  

Since the epidemic outbreak, Chengdu Hi-tech Zone has organized innovative

bio-medical companies within its administrative region to carry out scientific

and technological researches so as to coordinate and guide relevant companies

to accelerate the production of epidemic prevention and control supplies. The

output value of bio-industry made an increase by 10.3% year-on-year.


The new coronavirus nucleic acid and antibody kits of Maccura have successively

obtained medical apparatus and instruments registration certificates granted by

the State Drug Administration. "Four testing kits have been certified by the

European Union and one has been authorized for emergency use by the FDA. Our

products are sold to more than 40 countries" expressed by the relevant

personnel of Maccura.


CDHT Southern Park is the main platform for the new economies of Chengdu. In

the first half of the year, the revenue of the Internet and related services,

software and information technology companies in Chengdu High-tech Zone

increased by 23.8%, directly driving the growth of the services above

designated scale by 11.1 percentage points.  


Chengdu Hi-tech Zone has been adhering to both epidemic control and economic

and social development, offering one-to-one assistance to enterprises in

solving problems and simultaneously promoting enterprises to tap new growth

points. Moreover, the government also has introduced a series of policies and

measures such as financial support, rent subsidies and talent recruitment to

relieve the difficulties of enterprises.


Source: Chengdu Hi-tech Zone


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   Caption: Chengdu Hi-tech Zone






