Reports Outstanding Growth with 20% Increase in Online Business

Suning Holdings Group



NANJING, China, Aug. 1, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


On the evening of July 30, (002024.SZ), China's leading O2O smart

retailer owned by Suning Holdings Group, released its mid-year performance

preview report for the first half of 2020. According to the report,'s sales volume reached RMB 194.155 billion for the period between

January and June 2020, which was a year-on-year increase of 5.40%. Online sales

volume grew significantly by 20.19% year-on-year and now accounts for 69.43% of

the total business.


In H1, the domestic economy has faced significant challenges as a result of the

COVID-19 pandemic. During these unprecedented times, leveraged both

its online and offline capabilities, pivoted its business strategy and focused

on improving business quality and efficiency — all whilst improving its

profitability. Thanks to its swift response, achieved a marked

improvement in its operating income, which increased 76.74% year-on-year to RMB

118.24 billion.


Online Sales Volume Grew Fast


The offline retail environment faced immense pressure in the wake of the

pandemic and was one of the key industries affected in H1. However, the

stay-at-home economy drove a surge in online sales, with data revealing that

online sales in China increased by 7.3% year-on-year. focused on

ensuring seamless operation across online platforms, while also promoting sales

for offline stores through digital means using community marketing, off-site

sales and home delivery. As a result, recorded a 20.19% increase in

online sales year-on-year — and in Q2 alone, online sales saw the highest surge

in six quarters with a year-on-year increase of 27.11%.


In addition, accelerated the transformation of its offline outlets

into retail cloud stores during the pandemic. At the end of June,'s

push orders from offline stores increased by 113.80% year-on-year.


In H1, made rapid breakthroughs in the FMCG category through its

core partnership with Carrefour China. Between January and June, sales volume

for general merchandise increased by 106.70% year-on-year, and this number is

only expected to grow as a result of 818. Carrefour's online operation

capabilities have also improved significantly in H1, and the company has seen

marked growth in its door-to-door business, as well as the proportion of

traffic from's ecosystem.


Recognizing the trends in online shopping, has actively generated

consumer demand across its member base through strengthened social media

marketing and partnerships with micro-video platforms. The business acquired an

additional 46.83 million registered users in the first half of the year, as

well as an uptick in the number of active users in June, which grew 22.37%

increase year-on-year. As of June 30, had 602 million registered members.


From Retailer to Retail Service Provider


Further to this, accelerated its expansion plans and strategically

upgraded its retail service providers. In addition to actively responding to

the challenges of the pandemic, harnessed the opportunity to

fast-track the expansion of its retail infrastructure and accelerate its

ambitions to shift from being a retailer to a retail service provider. deepened its open digital platform capabilities to allow for

personalized recommendations, data marketing tools, and logistics and

warehousing services. These capabilities empower merchants to improve traffic

distribution and conversion efficiency, and enhance the product experience for

users. The preview reports reveal that the proportion of non-electrical product

merchants on the platform increased to 87% in H1. The volume of merchants and

merchant activity also increased significantly in this period. Furthermore,

commodity transactions on the open platform grew 63.71% year-on-year to reach

RMB 53.133 billion.


Through the power of digital,'s retail cloud franchise stores broke

down the distinction between online and offline stores to create a new business

model that combines the supply chain with offline stores and social eCommerce.

As a result,'s retail cloud franchise stores went against the

downward trend of the pandemic, with 1,563 new retail cloud franchises opening

in H1. To support the rapid deployment of these stores, also

enhanced its logistics and after-sales service capabilities in rural markets.


On the logistics infrastructure front, put 58 logistics bases into

operation in 44 cities across the country as of June 2020. In the first half of

the year, Suning Logistics promoted its partner mechanism for terminal outlets,

empowered terminal logistics nodes and improved operational efficiency. The

company also focused on the ongoing integration of warehousing and distribution

services, and increased its openness to external partners. At the end of June

2020, Suning Logistics had increased its total capacity for external partners

by 77% year-on-year.


On July 27th, during its 818 conference, reinforced its strategic

plans to upgrade to a retail service provider in the next ten years. In

addition, the business announced it will further consolidate and export its

five service capabilities spanning supply chain, logistics, user scenarios,

finance and technology; while simultaneously broadening its small, medium and

micro enterprises in the energy industry ecosystem to better meet the needs of users.


About Suning Holdings Group

Founded in 1990, Suning is one of the leading commercial enterprises in China

with two public companies in China and Japan. In 2019, Suning Holdings Group

ranked as the top three brands among the top 500 non-state-owned enterprises in

China with annual revenues of RMB 602.5 billion (approximately EURO 77.24

billion) and continued to top the list of Internet retailing category. Adhering

to the enterprise mission of "Leading the Ecosystem across Industries by

Creating Elite Quality of Life for All", Suning has strengthened and expanded

its core business as retail through a corporate ecosystem comprised by multiple

vertical industries, including commercial real estate, financial services and

sports., the main subsidiary pioneering in online and offline

retailing, has been listed in the Fortune Global 500 for three successive years

from 2017 to 2019.


Source: Suning Holdings Group




