A Dialogue with Shandong -- Japan-Shandong Industrial Cooperation Conference opens

Information Office of the People's Government of Shandong Province



JINAN, China and TOKYO and OSAKA, Japan, July 31, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


The "A Dialogue with Shandong" -- Japan-Shandong Industrial Cooperation

Conference was held concurrently in Jinan, Tokyo and Osaka on July 30, bringing

together government officials and business executives across all sectors in

Japan and in Shandong province for a meeting in the cloud, resulting in the

initiation and, in several cases, successful conclusion of online negotiations.


Photo - https://photos.prnasia.com/prnh/20200731/2872955-1 


Provincial Party Secretary Liu Jiayi and JETRO Chairman Sasaki Nobuhiko

exchanged ideas online. Liu said he looks forward to Shandong and Japan

collaborating and creating a win-win situation in the fight against COVID-19,

while, at the same time, stimulating commerce and trade, investment and

entrepreneurship, technology education, healthcare and medicine, culture and

tourism. Sasaki Nobuhiko expressed his gratitude to Shandong for the province's

assistance in fighting the pandemic and expressed a sincere desire that Japan

and Shandong can further grow the cooperation in trade and other fields.


Deputy Provincial Party Secretary and Governor Li Ganjie said in his speech

Shandong's advantages in terms of complete industrial systems and those offered

by the rapidly growing synergies between the province's mix of emerging and

traditional industries, the support provided by the province's many

forward-looking policies, and the huge market potential have all become more

obvious. Shandong is willing to deepen cooperation with Japan in key

industries, technological innovation, culture and tourism.


Chinese Ambassador to Japan Kong Xuanyou said in Tokyo there is huge potential

for economic and trade cooperation between Shandong and Japan, holding out the

expectation the two sides can expand the mutually beneficial cooperation in the

marine economy, manufacturing, healthcare, culture and tourism, further

promoting the development of Sino-Japanese relations.


Governor of Japan's Wakayama prefecture Yoshinobu Nisaka, Chinese

Consul-General in Osaka He Zhenliang and president of the Japan-China

Friendship Parliamentarians' Union in Osaka Imai Yutaka delivered speeches in Osaka.


The conference also included policy interpretation and promotional efforts on

behalf of cities and companies in the two regions, with 17 projects being contracted.


Co-hosted by the Shandong Provincial People's Government, the China Council for

the Promotion of International Trade and JETRO, the "A Dialogue with Shandong"

event consisted of theme seminars, a series of industry matching and exchange

fairs, and Sino-Japanese city cooperation conferences, both online and offline.

The event will continue until September 30.


Source: Information Office of the People's Government of Shandong Province


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