Empower tourism by Chinese medicine healthcare - The 4th Chongqing (Shizhu) Health and Wellness Conference opens in China

China Chongqing (Shizhu) Health and Wellness Conference



CHONGQING, China, Aug. 24, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


August 22, the 4th China Chongqing (Shizhu) Health and Wellness Conference

opened in Huangshui Town, Shizhu County. At the opening ceremony, 15 projects

with a planned total investment of 41billion Chinese yuan have been executed,

all of which are key projects supporting the development of healthcare industry in Shizhu.




This year, the conference focuses on the theme of "Chinese Medicine with

Epidemic Prevention and Healthcare," which reflected Shizhu government's idea

of "Developing Chinese Medicine Healthcare related tourism."


Currently, the organic Chinese herbal medicine industry is growing rapidly in

Shizhu, with 51,563acres of land for scale planting, nearly 20 species,

generating an annual output of 65,000tons. The planting scale and output of

Coptis chinensis account for 60% of China and 40% of the world.


In recent years, Shizhu government has put the deep-processing of Chinese

herbal medicine as the priority, by building Chinese medicine medical

institutions and senior care organizations.


Recently, the Huangshui Rehabilitation Hospital affiliated with Chongqing

Medical University has opened, after receiving 350million yuan investment from

Chongqing Medical University. Meanwhile, 13 boutique Chinese medicine museums

have been built and opened in Huangshui area. There are 13 recuperation sample

sites in Shizhu. Traditional Chinese medicine services are provided in more

than 75% of village clinics. Shizhu has also been rated as "National Advanced

Unit for Primary-level Traditional Chinese Medicine."


"Considering this year's special situation of epidemic prevention, combined

with the advantages of Shizhu's dietary resources, we set the theme of this

conference as 'Chinese Medicine with Epidemic Prevention and Healthcare.' In

the next step, we will begin with building nursing homes to create a well-known

healthcare center nationwide, therefore make tourism related to traditional

Chinese medicine a new economic growth factor for Shizhu," Yang Linquan,

director of the Shizhu Healthcare Commission, said in the live broadcast of

"Chinese Medicine with Epidemic Prevention and Health" on Xinhua Cloud platform.


During the signing session of the opening ceremony, Shizhu has signed 15

projects, with a planned total investment of 41billion Chinese yuan, involving

healthcare tourism, healthcare manufacturing, business logistics, e-commerce

services, infrastructure construction and other fields.


The "2020 Shizhu Health and Wellness White Paper" which was released at the

opening ceremony demonstrated that Shizhu is pushing forward to develop its

healthcare industry.



SOURCE: China Chongqing (Shizhu) Health and Wellness Conference


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=369791 


   Caption: Empower tourism by Chinese medicine healthcare - The 4th Chongqing (Shizhu)

Health and Wellness Conference opens in China




