Xinhua Silk Road: China's Quanzhou strives to promote construction of pilot zone of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, Oct. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Quanzhou, located in southeast China's Fujian Province, has been striving to

promote the construction of the pilot zone of the 21st Century Maritime Silk

Road under the country's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).


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Quanzhou serves as the important starting point of the ancient Maritime Silk

Road. Since the BRI was proposed by China in 2013, Quanzhou has strived to grab

the historical opportunity.


Quanzhou has all-round advantages in constructing the pilot zone. It boasts

profound cultural heritage, sound economic foundation, rich overseas Chinese

resources, great potential in ports and entrepreneurial talents.


In 2019, Quanzhou's GDP amounted to 994.666 billion yuan, ranking the first in

the province for 21 consecutive years.


Over the past five years, Quanzhou has accelerated the construction of the

pilot zone of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, played a leading role in

cultural exchanges, deepened international economic and trade cooperation,

strengthened connectivity among all the countries participating in the 21st

Century Maritime Silk Road, and committed to the people-to-people exchanges.


Statistics showed that the total freight volume between Quanzhou and the

countries participating in the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road reached 2.381

million tonnes in 2019, with the total container throughput hitting 43,800 TEUs.


Quanzhou hosted the 2020 major work promotion conference for the joint

construction of the BRI from September 10 to 11. Officials from Fujian

Development and Reform Commission made remarks and exchanged views on promoting

local construction of the BRI.


In the next phase, Quanzhou will actively integrate into the BRI and strengthen

Fujian's position as the core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. It

will make efforts in constructing projects, expanding international market,

enhancing global cultural exchanges, preventing risks faced by enterprises

"going out," and uplifting international influence, in a bid to continuously

enhance its ability to allocate international capital, information and talents,

and build itself into a comprehensive channel along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.


Specifically, Quanzhou will work to forge itself into an international hub

port, promote the international capacity cooperation in new emerging industries

with the countries and regions participating in the 21st Century Maritime Silk

Road, facilitate cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and further deepen the

economic and trade exchanges.


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Source: Xinhua Silk Road


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Twin Stone Pagodas at Kaiyuan Temple in Quanzhou of Fujian Province




