Xinhua Silk Road: Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2020 held to craft four platform functions to sharpen global influence

Xinhua Silk Road

AsiaNet  86242


BEIJING, Oct. 23, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2020, which opened on Wednesday

and lasts till Friday, is crafted as a flagship international event

characterized by four platform functions to sharpen its global influence.


Themed on "Financial Cooperation and Reform under Global Changes", the annual

conference aims to form itself as platforms for China's participation in global

financial governance, global financial industry communications and cooperation,

interaction between financial sector and the real economy and national

financial policies releasing.


This year, parallel forums are divided into four sections including financial

cooperation and reform, financial services and development, financial opening

and financial market, financial technology and innovation, centering upon 25



The annual conference is jointly organized by the People's Government of

Beijing Municipality, the People's Bank of China (PBOC), Xinhua News Agency,

China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC), China Securities

Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange



PBOC hosts two keynote sub-forums under the annual conference and will release

financial technology (fintech) development indicators to shape a set of

scientific, quantifiable and comprehensive sector development appraisal

standards applicable in China or even in the world.


Xu Yuchang, chairman and president of China Economic Information Service (CEIS)

of Xinhua News Agency said the parallel forum themed on "Belt and Road

Cooperation in the New Financial Landscape" is organized by Xinhua News Agency

and implemented by CEIS. The Belt and Road Initiative is an important move of

China to widen opening-up and share fruits of development with the world and

has aroused wide attention from the international community. The parallel forum

has attracted representatives from financial institutions, enterprises and

research institutes to register for participation.


CSRC organizes two parallel forums of the annual conference and four sessions

including capital market basic rules and ecology construction, building world

class investment banks and wealth management institutions, small- and

medium-sized enterprises development and high efficiency in direct financing,

and deepening reform on the "new third board" to better serve the real economy.


SAFE undertakes hosting work of keynote sub-forums on cross-border capital flow

and opening of RMB capital account of higher level and discussions over capital

account convertibility, cross-border capital flow and financial risk prevention

are carried out on the sub-forums.


SOURCE  Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Chinese Vice Premier Liu He, also a member of the Political Bureau of the

Communist Party of China Central Committee, attended the opening ceremony of

the Annual Conference of Financial Street Forum 2020 in Beijing, capital of

China, Oct. 21, 2020.






