Xinhua Silk Road: Nanjing Jiangbei New Area releases book to share innovation practices

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, Oct. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Nanjing Jiangbei New Area, a state-level new area in east China's Jiangsu

Province, released a book introducing its innovation practices and cases since

its establishment in 2015, aiming to provide reference for the innovative

development of other national new areas in China on Tuesday. 


The book, jointly released by the management committee of Nanjing Jiangbei New

Area and China Economic Information Service (CEIS), presents innovation

theories and cases based on survey into 30-odd high-tech enterprises, R&D

institutions and industrial development platforms, and 10 plus experts and

business representatives, according to Chen Xixi, director of the Jiangsu center of CEIS.


Over the past five years, a large number of talents have been attracted to

settle in the new area for innovation and entrepreneurship, said Li Xiaochun,

deputy director of the science and technology innovation bureau under the

management committee of Nanjing Jiangbei New Area.


Li also mentioned that compared with five years ago, the number of enterprises

settled in the new area has doubled, with the number of high-tech enterprises

growing over 30 percent annually on average and the amount of invention patents

rising 20 percent annually on average.


The new area has attracted talents from dozens of famous universities such as

Tsinghua University and Peking University and nearly 100 sci-tech innovation

platforms and engineering technology centers. Meanwhile, it has grown over

2,000 talents in various fields, including two Nobel Prize winners and 58 academicians.


To participate in the building of a modern industrial agglomeration area in the

Yangtze River Delta, the new area has been focusing on constructing a city of

chips, a city of gene technology and a new financial center.


The city of chips has become home of 400-odd integrated circuit enterprises,

whose main business income grew 68 percent year on year in the first half of

2020. It's expected that the industry's total output value will exceed 50

billion yuan this year.


The city of gene technology has gathered 800 plus health enterprises, while the

new financial center has hosted over 400 funds with a total capital of 500 billion yuan.


On its way to make itself a magnet for innovation, Nanjing Jiangbei New Area

has strengthened its competitiveness and business environment. Its GDP hits 278

billion yuan in 2019.


See the original link: 


SOURCE: Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Nanjing Jiangbei New Area releases book to share innovation practices




