Japanese nutritionists highlight the benefits of olive oil consumption in athletes' diets to achieve their best performance

Olive Oils from Spain



TOKYO, November 13, 2020, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Olive Oil from Spain (https://oliveoilworldtour.jp/ ) is pleased to promote the

benefits that olive oil offers to athletes. It contains substances that help

improve health, including antioxidants which are known to accelerate recovery

after exhaustive exercise. In Spain, many athletes include olive oil in their

diet as a nutritious source of good quality fat.


Nutritionist Ms. Kumiko Yoneyama commented and recommended to use extra virgin

Olive Oil from Spain for athletes before and after performance: "There are a

variety of foods that athletes should consume, but in addition to consuming

good quality proteins such as meat, fish, and soy products, the antioxidant

vitamins A, C, and E are recommended. Beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A),

which is found in green and yellow vegetables, is a vitamin that is easily

soluble in oil. For this reason, it is a great companion to olive oil that is a

good quality oil. Many athletes lack energy, so why not make the best use of

oil and add extra virgin olive oil to any dish such as salads?"


The substances contained in olive oil are known to prevent a variety of

diseases. Replacing saturated fats with unsaturated fats such as olive oil can

help eliminate one of the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. In

particular, extra virgin olive oil, which is rich in oleic acid reduce blood

cholesterol. It also contains natural antioxidants such as polyphenols and

Vitamin E. Antioxidant properties provided by Vitamin E are known to offer

anti-aging benefits. All these benefits have been demonstrated through

different scientific studies such as PREDIMED [http://www.predimed.es/introduction.html ],

the largest primary prevention trial to show that Mediterranean diet is beneficial

against the incidence of several major chronic diseases.


In Spain, the meals of athletes who include a significant amount of olive oil in their diet.


Rafael Nadal, the most internationally renowned active Spanish sportsman, who

has been a brand ambassador of Olive Oils from Spain, boasts of integrating

extra virgin olive oil as a base in his diet to improve his performance. In the

sports industry, Vitamin E's benefits for improving athletic performance are

widely known and used to help improve competitive performance of elite

athletes. The Vitamin E's function to promote blood flow helps remove

fatigue-causing substances accumulated during long exercise from the

bloodstream, thereby speeding up recovery. Olive oil rich in oleic acid is also

unlikely to accumulate in the body, mainly because unsaturated fats break down

much more quickly than saturated fats, making it an ideal source of nutritional

fat for many athletes.


Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1333424/Olive_Oils_from_Spain.jpg 


SOURCE: Olive Oils from Spain




