G20 at a Glance: The Role of the Civil Society in the G20 Process

Saudi G20 Presidency

AsiaNet 86674


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 17 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


     The G20 has a strong tradition of working with a broad range of

organizations to bring different perspectives on socioeconomic challenges to

the G20 table. The Engagement Groups are independent collectives that are led

by civil society organizations and the business sector from the host country.

They work with other organizations from G20 countries to develop policy

recommendations that are formally submitted, through the G20 Presidency, to G20

leaders for consideration.


    Throughout the year, the Engagement Groups worked together, securing their

perspective on G20 areas of focus. The Engagement Groups' contribution has

always been central to achieving the best policy making process, contributing

their unique expertise and experience to ensure polices shape a better world

for all.


    The Engagement groups met regularly during 2020 to discuss and draft

recommendations that reflect the perspectives of civil society, business, and

academia on issues relevant to the G20 Presidency Agenda. Despite the

unprecedented times caused by the COVID -19 pandemic, the eight Engagement

Groups maintained their remarkable efforts and commitment to deliver their



    The Business 20 (B20), the G20 Engagement Group representing the

international business community, presented recommendations focused on

transformation for inclusive growth.

The Youth 20 (Y20),  representing global leaders of young people from more than

23 countries, called upon the G20 countries to take actions in three

overarching priority areas: future preparedness, youth empowerment, and global



    The Labour 20 (L20), representing labour unions from G20 countries,

submitted recommendations around recovery with resilience, social protection

and labor market policies.


    The Think 20 (T20), representing the academic community, submitted

recommendations on evidence-based solutions that promote multilateralism,

international cooperation, the digital economy, sustainable energy, the impact

of COVID-19 on workers, and many more.


    The Civil 20 (C20), , conducted their summit hosting 65 discussion sessions

attended by more than 30,000 people from 109 countries around the world. The

C20 submitted recommendations on COVID-19 response and recovery, economic and

social justice, and the wellbeing of people and our planet.


    The Women 20 (W20), brought together women, from around the world to

discuss gender equality as a key driver of sustainable and inclusive growth.

Their recommendations were oriented around promoting women's economic

development, financial & digital inclusion, employment, and entrepreneurship.


    The Science 20 (S20), representing the scientific community, held their

summit under the theme of "Science for Navigating Critical Transitions" and

presented their proposals focusing on the future of health, developing a

circular economy, and the digital revolution.


    The Urban 20 (U20), representing City Mayors from around the globe that

provide the urban perspective, hosted their summit around a diverse agenda,

focused on but not limited to climate action, social consolidation and

integration, and sustainable economic growth towards prosperous communities.  


    For more information about Engagement Groups, visit their websites here:



    Further information about the G20, including the Presidency Agenda and full

program of events, visit: https://g20.org/


    To ensure you have access to exclusive G20 Riyadh Summit content, you must

have access to the G20 Media Microsite. Media can receive access to the G20

Media Microsite by registering through the G20 Media Accreditation Portal,

which can be found here:




Source: Saudi G20 Presidency






