A dialogue between two industrial cities: Wuppertal Photo Exhibition launched in China's Dongguan to commemorate the bicentenary

The Information Office of Dongguan Municipality

A dialogue between two industrial cities: Wuppertal Photo Exhibition launched in China's Dongguan to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of Friedrich Engles




DONGGUAN, China, Nov. 30, 2020 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


The 2020 Dongguan Citizen Photography Week with the theme of "City - Quality",

held by the Information Office of Dongguan Municipality, has kicked off in

Dongguan, China, with Friedrich Engles' Hometown Wuppertal Photo Exhibition

being one of the activities. The Exhibition works as a "window" for the

citizens of Dongguan to learn about the sister city of Wuppertal and show the

friendship, and a way to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of the great

philosopher Engels. It is also a great way to further strengthen exchanges and

promote mutual understanding between the two cities.


"Welcome to Wuppertal, the hometown of Friedrich Engels! The city is located in

the North Rhine-Westphalia state, western Germany, neighboring to Dusseldorf

and Cologne. In 2015, Dongguan and Wuppertal became sister cities and they have

carried out exchanges and cooperation in various fields including economy,

culture, science and technology. How amazing is this city? Please take a ride

on the unique 100-year-old suspension train (Schwebebahn) and enjoy a cultural

journey through time and space", as shown on the photo exhibition.


Against the backdrop of the sudden onslaught of COVID-19 this year, the

Exhibition surpasses space to strengthen cultural exchanges between China and

Germany. Photos are becoming the vivid media for the two nations to share

histories and enhance dialogues among civilizations.


This year marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of China-EU

diplomatic relations and the 200th anniversary of Engels' birth. Wuppertal, his

hometown, has designated this year as the Year of Engels. Dongguan, together

with its sister city Wuppertal, hold the Exhibition, in ways to strengthen

civilization exchanges in a more open and inclusive manner, inspiring people in

terms of the fight against COVID-19 and economic recovery.


The opening ceremony day of the Exhibition, namely November 28, marks the

bicentenary of the birth of Engels. Dr. Johannes Slawig, Chief Executive of

Wuppertal said in the blessing video, that the Exhibition helps maintain the

two cities' communication at present, offering opportunities for Dongguan

citizens to discover Wuppertal. The photo exhibitions held in both 2019 and

this year symbol our friendship which can overcome all barriers. Meanwhile,

Dr.Bluma, curator of the Engels museum also sent his best wishes through video,

welcoming the locals to pay a visit to the museum.


Wuppertal is an important industrial city in Germany and shares many

similarities with Dongguan in terms of industrial development. Since the two

sides become sister cities in 2015, they have strengthened connections through

the exchange of civil servants, inviting people from Wuppertal to attend summer

camps in Dongguan, and exchange visits of delegations in trade, economy and

environmental protection. In December last year, the Photo Exhibition of

Dongguan, with the theme of "Connecting with the World through Manufacturing -

Diversified Urban Culture" went to Paris, France, and Wuppertal, Germany, telling

the world how Dongguan pursues quality development and embraces the world.


The Dongguan Citizens Photography Week has been held for 5 consecutive times,

each attracting nearly 200,000 citizens to attend. It has become an annual

cultural feast in Dongguan. In this year's event, Dongguan also launched its brand

new bilingual city album "Quality Dongguan", which will be released and sold

nationwide, in order to make readers at home and abroad to know more about Dongguan.


Source: The Information Office of Dongguan Municipality





