Zepp 'Measurements of Attraction' Emphasize the Healing Power of Human Connection and a Holistically Healthier Life




LONDON, Dec. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- Measurements in Consultation with Psychologists and a Special Xmas Video


Zepp, a professional-grade wearable and digital health management brand, today

released its first reality web film for the Christmas season: "Measurements of

Attraction". Made for entertainment value during the holiday season and as an

attempt to bring a smile to the faces of people living under social distancing

circumstances, Zepp wanted to emphasize the healing power of human connections

over the holidays, and for a healthier life in more general mental and physical aspects.  


In the entertainment video, Michelle and Will meet for the first time on camera

as two real-life potential matches on a blind date and are each given a Zepp E

smartwatch. With their heartbeats monitored throughout the date, the video

found that the age-old notion of the heart "skipping a beat" still holds true

in the modern dating world.


"Measurements of Attraction" A Special Video for a Special Xmas:



Socially-distanced Dating: Hearts Still Skip a Beat While Wearing a Mask or in a Zoom Call  


Inspired by the enduring science of human connection, Zepp worked with experts

to craft the Zepp Measurements of Attraction. In consultation with renowned

medical expert, Dr. Sarah Jarvis, and respected psychologist and

psychotherapist, Emma Kenny, the Measurements were designed to help people

identify moments of genuine attraction based on telltale body reactions, that

people can use as a personal checklist even while socially distanced.


Dr. Jarvis noted that you could be attracted to someone if your heart rate

increases by at least 10bpm compared to your resting average. She added, "This

year things may be a little different, but where your physical responses are

concerned, the same principles apply. Many of the telltale physical signs are

the same because your hormones are active in both a virtual and face-to-face

setting. While we may not be able to physically meet someone, there is good

evidence that we're more likely to mirror someone else's body language if we're

attracted to them, even on Zoom!"  


Zepp Measurements of Attraction: A Checklist of Your Body's Response When on A Date


Taking a light-hearted approach to the laws of attraction, people may find the

Measurements can help calm first-date nerves, by letting science distinguish

between moments of genuine attraction versus the desire to couple up. The

indicators include increased heart rate, changes in eye movements and voice,

cheek and lip coloration, as well as the condition of our palms.


Zepp Measurements of Attraction Infographics*3 :




The Zepp Measurements of Attraction are social-distance friendly; whether it's

meeting virtually or face-to-face, the indicators of attraction may give you

some clues to track your behaviors and take control whether you have a rational

or emotional way of thinking.  


Science and Inspirations: Positive Human Connections and Holistic Wellbeing


There is a wealth of evidence highlighting how close bonds are absolutely

essential for positive mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. As psychologist

Emma Kenny commented, "Falling in love may make people feel that their heart

skips a beat. Studies have shown that when we feel safe and secure in relationships,

we also tend to benefit from lower heart pressure, and are less likely to suffer from

stress or anxiety. Love gives us hope and for those who are single, or are beginning

new relationships, it is likely that we will feel even more grateful and thankful

towards potential and actual new partners they are meeting on and offline. Love makes

everything feel better, easier and more exciting, and after the challenges of 2020, love

and attraction brings light relief."


Christmas is a time of year that many of us associate with family, friends and

fun. Prior to the pandemic, single people would have also been anticipating an

exciting festive season where the chance of romance would be ever-present. When

individuals feel loved and cherished, they are less likely to engage in destructive

relationships or habits, making them more likely to live longer. Human contact, love

and connection reminds us of our intrinsic meaning, and helps us feel a sense of value.


A smartwatch cannot determine your choices when starting new relationships, but

what is certain is that paying attention to your heart health will put you in a

healthier status and in control of your relations with the changing environment.


In 2020, Zepp released two series of smartwatches, the Zepp E and Zepp Z, along

with its Global Sleep Report (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KyaQb-EEh6qQarjNoSPWyRPp_H7aVJZi ) and a personalized lullaby generator (www.zepplullaby.com).

With the goal to become everyone's health partner at every moment, Zepp would

like to accompany you on the journey toward a healthier life.  


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Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=380280


   Caption: Zepp's first reality web film for the Christmas season “Measurements of Attraction”


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=380282


   Caption: Zepp Measurements of Attraction





