Tech Innovation Drives Development of Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle

China Report

AsiaNet 88465


CHENGDU, China, March 11, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


News provided by China Report:


Located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, the Chengdu-Chongqing

economic circle is the most densely populated area with the highest

concentration of industries and the most cities in west China. Statistics

showed that the Chengdu-Chongqing area registered a total GDP of close to 7

trillion yuan in 2019, making it another regional economic powerhouse following

the Yangtze River Delta region, Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and

the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.


In 2020, the Financial and Economic Commission of the Communist Party of China

Central Committee looked into building the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle

and proposed to build it into a nationally influential hub for technological

innovation. On February 25, 2021, the Ministry of Science and Technology

released guidelines for fostering new development pattern in China's western

region through technological innovation. The document prioritized the effort of

building the Chengdu-Chongqing area into a hub for technological innovation.


Closer link


On December 24, 2020, after the infrastructure facilities and technologies for

maintenance, disaster prevention, testing and e-ticketing were upgraded,

Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed railway was launched, reducing the travel time

between the two cities to one hour. Furthermore, the bullet train frequency has

been increased to every 20 minutes to facilitate travel between the two cities.


The improved transit between Chengdu and Chongqing is largely attributed to the

application of Sichuan's proprietary railway technologies. Sichuan has

established an integrated industrial chain covering research and development,

surveying, designing and consulting, project construction, operation and

maintenance, and equipment manufacturing. The annual output value of the

industrial chain exceeds 150 billion yuan.


High-quality development


Chengdu-based smart domestic projectors maker XGimi was listed on the Sci-Tech

Innovation Board, or STAR Market, on March 3, 2021. It was the sixth

Chengdu-based tech company listed on China's Nasdaq-style tech board.


The successful listing of Chengdu-based hardcore tech firms on the STAR Market

is indispensable from Chengdu's visionary planning for tech industries. The

electronic information industrial zone in Chengdu, where XGimi is located, is

also home to leading tech firms including photoelectric products maker Luwei,

LG Chem, display solution provider Tianma, LCD substrate maker Chengdu COE, and

TCL. They together have formed a complete industrial chain to support emerging

technologies like big data, the Internet of Things and blockchain. Thanks to

them, the electronic information industry became the first sector whose outputs

surpassed 1 trillion yuan in Chengdu. Statistics show that more than 90 percent

of Chengdu's new investment projects since 2020 have landed in the various

industrial zones across the city.


Chengdu would not have made such remarkable achievements without the robust

support to technological innovation by Sichuan provincial government. During

the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020), Sichuan devoted great energy to

building many demonstration zones for commercializing scientific and

technological research results including those on new drugs and artificial

intelligence. The province has built more than 1,800 platforms for

technological innovation.


Statistics from Chongqing Municipality further evidenced the significance of

technological innovation to high-quality economic growth. During the 13th

Five-Year Plan period, high-tech industries and strategic emerging industries

contributed 37.9 percent and 55.7 percent, respectively, to the city's

industrial growth. Technological advancement contributed 58.6 percent. The

number of high-tech businesses increased 3.5-fold. Eighty-eight renowned

innovation institutes set up offices in Chongqing, alongside 64 state-level

bases for technological innovation. The number of researchers increased 64.4

percent. The amount of patents owned per 10,000 people rose by seven.

Researchers in the city won 29 national science and technology awards. The

transaction volume of technology contracts amounted to 100 billion yuan.


Now, the Chengdu-Chongqing area produces one third of products and services for

the global electronic information industry, emerging as an indispensable link

in the global industrial and supply chains in the electronic information area.


During the 2021 "two sessions," the Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle and the

building of a science town in west China by the two cities once again drew

nationwide attention. In the future, the two cities will strengthen

cooperation, enhance the capacities for independent technological innovation,

work together to make breakthroughs in key areas, and contribute to the

creation of an important growth pole that drives the country's high-quality



SOURCE  China Report


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Chengdu-Chongqing high-speed railway bullet train. Sichuan has formed a whole

industrial chain of the rail transportation industry







