AWE 2021: Haier Smart Home Brings Revolutionary Living Experience Empowered by its Smart Home Solution

Haier Smart Home



SHANGHAI, March 23, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Haier Smart Home ("Haier", Shanghai: 600690), the world's leading home

appliance brand and smart home ecosystem builder, has unveiled a five-stage

roadmap for the next phase of smart home development at AWE 2021, held from

March 23-25 in Shanghai. Demonstrating its leadership in smart home scenarios,

solutions and technologies, Haier's plan will deliver a revolutionary

experience for users across clothing, food, housing, entertainment and



The plan is a vast departure from the platform and device ecosystem adopted by

industry players; instead, cultivating an ecosystem built upon scenarios. Haier

breaks boundaries across hardware, software, technology and service to build an

unbounded ecosystem that incorporates products for more than 300 scenarios in

seven spaces. The connected Internet of Clothing, Food, Air, Water, Heating,

Security, Lighting, Networking and Entertainment has united nearly 10,000

ecosystems and parties to become the world's largest smart home scenario-based



Haier's five-stage smart home development roadmap encompasses single-machine

intelligence, collaborative intelligence between categories and spaces,

decision-making intelligence, autonomous intelligence and ubiquitous

intelligence at the home, community and city level, of which Haier has already

reached stage three.


"At Haier, we have amassed over 36 years of knowledge from serving more than

180 million households, and gathered observations from tens of millions of

connected devices. Our roadmap draws upon this insight and experience into the

needs of household users, in order to usher in the future of connected smart

home appliances," said Wang Ye, VP and GM of Smart Home of Haier Home Appliance

Industry Group.


Haier's decision-making intelligent strategy incorporates full product

customization across Haier's brands and includes a vast library spanning more

than 3,000 products. Haier Smart Home provides full-scenario living with 10

common living space scenarios and 7 whole-house scenarios, and all appliances

and resources are integrated in a full closed-loop ecosystem to deliver truly

customized and interconnected services.


For example, Haier's air conditioner will automatically activate the

sterilizing function based on the detected level of air pollution to remove

seven types of common air pollutants, while releasing ten thousand negative

ions to provide a healthy and comfortable air environment for the family.


On the eve of AWE 2021, Haier launched Smart Home OS 3.0, paving the way for a

new era of industrial development. Haier's latest operating system is built

with the Haier Smart Home Brain and an open platform at its core. The 'brain',

which is the key to making the smart home truly 'smart', harnesses 15 key

technologies to achieve five key characteristics: ubiquitous, natural

interaction, active adaptation, safety and security, and continuous learning.


Built specifically for developers, Haier Smart Home's open platform is the

largest of its kind centered around IoT products, applications and scenarios.

The platform has one online channel,, 10 research and development

centers, hundreds of open capabilities, six types of services for scenario

applications, and a wealth of network equipment categories. These enable

partners to quickly innovate and promote services, applications and devices to

the market; leverage Haier's sales channels, and complete approval in under ten



In order to further support developers, Haier has also launched a developer

empowerment program and established an alliance with leading companies such as

Tencent, iFLYTEK and Allwinner. Haier is transforming to become a huge smart

home ecological system though co-constructing a scenario-based network with

ecological partners, and opening the platform that ensures more independent

developers bring creative smart home service to the customers.


SOURCE  Haier Smart Home




