A Centenary Science City Underway: Sci-Tech Innovation Factors Gather Momentum in Nansha

The People's Government of Nansha District, Guangzhou



GUANGZHOU, China, Apr. 9, 2021 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


A high-level "science-centered" conference was held lately in Nansha District,

Guangzhou, aiming to discuss policies recently introduced by the district

government in the report the 16 scientific and technological innovation

policies on supporting the transformation of Nansha Science City into the main

comprehensive national science center of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater

Bay Area (the 16 scientific and technological innovation policies for short),

according to the People's Government of Nansha District. The conference was

also an invitation to the global science and technology innovation (STI)

professionals and enterprises, whose cooperation with Nansha will inject

impetus to the progress of human civilization.


Planned to cover an area of 99 square kilometers, Nansha Science City is

jointly established by Guangzhou Municipal Government and the Chinese Academy

of Sciences (CAS), integrating science and education. It is expected to serve

as an important platform for the frontier research, basic research and

high-tech innovation in the Greater Bay Area. The City is built upon the

objective to establish a "Centenary Science City" set by Guangzhou Municipal

Government in early 2021.


According to Lu Yixian, secretary of Nansha District, Guangzhou, Nansha Science

City should guarantee innovation development in all aspects: scientific

discovery, technological invention, industrial development, professional

support and ecological optimization, while fostering an ideal environment with

concentrated innovation resources, active innovation subjects and efficient

innovation mechanism.


"The Nansha Science City built by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Guangzhou

Municipal Government aims to become an international first-class science city

and an important source of original innovation. With original innovation as the

new blood, Nansha witnesses an increasing number of emerging industries with

strategic importance such as aerospace industry and marine economy," said Xie

Ming, standing committee member and executive vice mayor of Nansha District.


The 16 scientific and technological innovation policies will facilitate the

gathering and building of major technology infrastructures in Nansha District,

and will foster the establishment of scientific research platforms not only

consistent with the industrial development orientation of the region, but also

essential to the STI.


Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) is an

important scientific research platform jointly established by Nansha District

Government, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and Guangzhou Municipal

Government. It focuses on major scientific and technological tasks such as

sustainable exploitation of marine islands and reefs, sustainable use of

resources and ecologically sustainable development. Zhang Si, academician of

the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the director of the Laboratory, said in

the conference that the Laboratory will work on the major scientific facilities

of the cold seep ecosystem, which will support the natural gas hydrate

exploitation with long-term observation and real-time early warning throughout

the process, so as to ensure a safe, clean, economic and sustainable

utilization of hydrate resources.


Three major science and technology infrastructure pre-research projects,

including the cold spring ecosystem research device and dynamic wide area

hypersonic wind tunnel, are reported to have started in August last year. Soft

foundation treatment and foundation pit are expected to be completed by the

first half of the year.


While enterprises are home to STI, high-end professionals are the key to these

innovations. According to Xie Jiasheng, CEO of Guangdong Medical Valley

Investment Management Co., Ltd. (GDMV), Nansha government provides substantial

support for the STI enterprises and professionals, incentivizing companies to

bring in talents. It is reported that the 16 scientific and technological

innovation policies have stepped up the talent attraction effort by providing

high-quality education for the children of the introduced professionals,

granting them qualification to apply for Guangzhou Talent Green Card and equal

civic rights as locals without changing their place of origin.


The transformation of technological achievements was also the focus in the

conference. The 16 scientific and technological innovation policies will

provide financial support for the local enterprises as they procure and

industrialize scientific achievement from universities and scientific research

institutes, which will accelerate the transformation of the sci-tech

achievements from sample to product. The CAS Academician, Professor Chen Xinzi

from Sun Yat-sen University stated that Nansha Research Institute of Sun

Yat-Sen University has cultivated a group of enterprises with core

competitiveness since its establishment in Nansha nine years ago. It has

promoted the development of related industries, and formed a service system for

the transformation of sci-tech achievements in drug industry featured by

small-scale R&D, test, sample production and industrialization.


Companies have been hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic since its outbreak, and

those from Nansha District are no exception. Dr. Xiao Guowei, leader and

founder of APT Electronics Co., Ltd., said that after the short but severe

impact, APT has resolutely scaled up its input in R&D and accelerated product

and industrial upgrade, so as to reverse the adverse market situation brought

by the Trade War and the pandemic. So far, the company's orders have been

scheduled till the third quarter of 2021. The development of APT also

demonstrates the advantage of the Greater Bay Area in the high-end

manufacturing industry chain. Looking back at the company's achievements, Xiao

Guowei was grateful for Nansha Government for its support. He said that the key

competitiveness of Nansha's business environment lies in the

enterprise-centered government-business relationship, together with the

flexible and efficient government services.


According to Lu Yixian, Nansha will further strengthen the core position of

innovation in the future of the district, promote the high-quality development

of Nansha Science City, create a new blueprint for growth, contributing to the

construction of an international scientific innovation center, and the

innovation development of the Greater Bay Area.


Source: The People's Government of Nansha District, Guangzhou




