Fully Integrated and Optimized Strategies for Growth Propel JCET to Quarterly Highs for Revenue and Profit in Q1 2021

JCET Group

AsiaNet 89267


SHANGHAI, April 28, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/


Q1 2021 financial highlights:


- Revenue was RMB 6.71 billion. It was an increase of 17.6% year on year and a

record high first quarter in the company's history.

- Generated RMB 1.20 billion cash from operations, up 4.9% year on year. With

net capex investments of RMB 0.56 billion, free cash flow for the quarter was

RMB 0.64 billion.

- Net profit was RMB 0.39 billion. A record high first quarter in the company's

history with 188.7% year on year growth.

- Earnings per share was RMB 0.24, as compared to RMB 0.08 in Q1 2020.


JCET (SSE: 600584), a leading global provider of integrated circuit (IC)

manufacturing and technology services, today announced its financial results

for the first quarter of 2021 ended March 31, 2021. According to the financial

report, in Q1 2021, JCET maintained its momentum of growth and strong

profitability, with revenue of RMB 6.71 billion and net profit of RMB 0.39

billion, which achieved 17.6% and 188.7% year on year growth respectively


In 2020, JCET played on its strengths of unparalleled industry insights and

strategies, promoted development with innovation, and improved efficiency led

by a world class management team. After nearly two years of resource

optimization and integration, JCET's operations are now running in their

optimum mode. With a concise development strategy and roadmap in place, as well

as a team driven by passion to win, JCET has constructed a solid foundation for

growth in 2021.


Mr. Li Zheng, CEO of JCET said, "After reaching new highs in financial

performance for 2020, including a net profit more than doubled of the previous

17 years' combined, JCET's earnings and revenue for the first quarter of 2021

again set new records year-over-year. Our continued excellence in R&D,

manufacturing and strategic management is the key to our success and positions

us well for even better results in 2021."


Ms. Janet Chou, CFO of JCET said: "We achieved record quarterly revenue and

profitability. Our gross margin expanded 2.9 percentage points year over year.

Our debt leverage ratio decreased to below 2.0. We delivered RMB 0.64 billion

free cash flow which demonstrated the strength of our business model. Our

outstanding performance reflects solid execution of our growth strategy."


Recently, with a strong recovery underway in the automotive market and an

increased demand for deeper collaborative design within the industry supply

chain, JCET announced the official opening of its Automotive Electronics

Business Center and Design Services Business Center to further enhance the

technology innovation advantage. The investment of resources into these two new

business units demonstrates JCET's commitment to promoting collaborative and

synergistic development across the IC industry and further strengthens its

position for continued growth.


For more information, please refer to JCET Q1FY2021 report.





                                                As of        

ASSETS                                        Mar 31, 2021         Dec 31, 2020        

Current assets                                                                          

  Currency funds                        1,913                 2,235         

  Trading financial assets                5                  5         

  Derivative financial assets                0                  8         

  Accounts receivable                        3,458                  3,846         

  Receivables financing                        58                  41         

  Prepayments                                190                  158         

  Other receivables                        26                  41         

  Inventories                                2,650                  2,946         

  Other current assets                        83                  149         

Total current assets                        8,383                  9,429         

Non-current assets                                                 

  Long-term receivables                        40                  42         

  Long-term equity investments                948                  949         

  Other equity investments                432                  430         

  Investment properties                        95                  96         

  Fixed assets                                18,065                  17,790         

  Construction in progress                689                  866         

  Right-of-use assets                        709                  0         

  Intangible assets                        477                  526         

  Goodwill                                2,086                  2,071         

  Deferred tax assets                        106                  128         

  Other non-current assets                1                  1         

Total non-current assets                23,648                  22,899         

Total assets                                32,031                  32,328         




CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (CONTINUED) (Unaudited)         RMB in millions


                                                                As of        

LIABILITIES AND EQUITY                                  Mar 31, 2021        Dec 31, 2020

Current liabilities                                                                  

  Short-term borrowings                                        4,477                  5,288         

  Derivative financial liabilities                        7                  0         

  Notes payable                                                 449                  513         

  Accounts payable                                        4,155                  4,499         

  Contract liabilities                                        271                  173         

  Employee benefits payable                                664                  858         

  Taxes and surcharges payable                                135                  109         

  Other payables                                        232                  254         

  Current portion of long-term liabilities                2,474                  2,131         

  Other current liabilities                                315                  21         

Total current liabilities                                13,179                  13,846         

Non-current liabilities                                                                  

  Long-term borrowings                                        2,446                  2,978         

  Bonds payable                                                 999                  999         

  Lease liabilities                                        597                  0         

  Long-term payables                                        487                  592         

  Long-term employee benefits payable                        7                  4         

  Deferred income                                        344                  375         

  Deferred tax liabilities                                129                  124         

Total non-current liabilities                                5,009                  5,072         

Total liabilities                                        18,188                  18,918         


  Paid-in capital                                        1,603                  1,603         

  Surplus reserves                                        10,242                  10,242         

  Accumulated other comprehensive income                (36)                 (83)        

  Specialized reserves                                        120                  120         

  Unappropriated profit                                        1,904                  1,518         

Total equity attributable to owners of the parent        13,833                  13,400         

Minority shareholders                                        10                  10         

Total equity                                                 13,843                  13,410         

Total liabilities and equity                                32,031                  32,328         





CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (Unaudited)                      RMB in millions,

except share data


                                                                    Three months ended        

                                                                 Mar 31, 2021        Mar 31, 2020

Revenue                                                                 6,712                  5,708         

Less: Cost of sales                                                 5,636                  4,961         

          Taxes and surcharges                                        20                  8         

          Selling expenses                                        49                  57         

          Administrative expenses                                230                  209         

          Research and development expenses                        258                  215         

          Finance expenses                                        96                  147         

            Including: Interest expenses                        110                  154         

                     Interest income                                5                  9         

Add: Other income                                                 41                  34         

          Investment income / (loss)                                (2)                 (1)        

            Including: Income / (loss) from investments

in associates and joint ventures                                (2)                 (1)        

          Gain / (loss) on the net position hedging                (2)                 (1)        

          Credit impairment (loss is expressed by "-")                4                  5         

          Asset impairment (loss is expressed by "-")                (28)                 3         

          Gain / (loss) on disposal of assets                         6                  4         

Operating profit / (loss)                                        442                  155         

Less: Non-operating expenses                                        2                  6         

Profit / (loss) before income taxes                                440                  149         

Less: Income tax expenses                                        53                  15         

Net profit / (loss)                                                  387                  134         

Classified by continuity of operations                                                         

  Profit / (loss) from continuing operations                        387                  134         

Classified by ownership                                                                          

  Net profit / (loss) attributable to owners of the parent        386                  134         

  Net profit / (loss) attributable to minority shareholders        1                  0         

Add: Unappropriated profit at beginning of period                1,518                 231         

Unappropriated profit at end of period (attributable to

owners of the parent)                                                1,904                 365




CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT (CONTINUED) (Unaudited)                RMB in millions, except

share data


                                                                    Three months ended

                                                                 Mar 31, 2021        Mar 31, 2020

Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                47                  131

Comprehensive income attributable to owners of the

parent                                                                 47                  131

Comprehensive income not be reclassified to profit or loss        1                  0

  Remeasurement gains or losses of a defined benefit

plan                                                                 1                  0

Comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss        46                  131

  Cash flow hedge reserve                                        (10)                 (2)

  Exchange differences of foreign currency financial

statements                                                         56                  133

Total comprehensive income                                        434                  265


     Total comprehensive income attributable to owners

of the parent                                                         433                  265

     Total comprehensive income attributable to minority

shareholders                                                         1                  0

Earnings per share                                                                  

  Basic earnings per share                                        0.24                  0.08

  Diluted earnings per share                                        0.24                  0.08




CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Unaudited)                        RMB in millions


                                                                    Three months ended        

                                                                 Mar 31, 2021        Mar 31, 2020

CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                         

Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of

services                                                         7,439                  6,035         

Receipts of taxes and surcharges refunds                        157                  223         

Other cash receipts relating to operating activities                51                  293         

Total cash inflows from operating activities                        7,647                  6,551         

Cash payments for goods and services                                5,073                  4,225         

Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                        1,128                  959         

Payments of all types of taxes and surcharges                        130                  90         

Other cash payments relating to operating activities                112                  128         

Total cash outflows from operating activities                        6,443                  5,402         

Net cash flows from operating activities                        1,204                  1,149         

CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                           

Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible

assets and other long-term assets                                36                  7         

Total cash inflows from investing activities                        36                  7         

Cash payments to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets

and other long-term assets                                        597                  678         

Total cash outflows from investing activities                        597                  678         

Net cash flows from investing activities                        (561)                 (671)







                                                                    Three months ended        

                                                                 Mar 31, 2021        Mar 31, 2020

CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                         

Cash receipts from borrowings                                        1,623                  5,931         

Other cash receipts relating to financing activities                347                  0         

Total cash inflows from financing activities                        1,970                  5,931         

Cash repayments for debts                                        2,662                  5,748         

Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit and

interest expenses                                                 134                  164         

Other cash payments relating to financing activities                107                  174         

Total cash outflows from financing activities                        2,903                  6,086

Net cash flows from financing activities                        (933)                 (155)        


AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                 7                  22         

NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                        (283)                 345         

Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                2,167                  1,866         

CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF PERIOD                        1,884                  2,211









