E-mobility in passenger transport: new BENTELER platform for minibus segment


AsiaNet 89265


SALZBURG, Austria and PADERBORN, Germany, April 29, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --



- BENTELER offers a special platform concept for a people mover in the minibus



- Platform versatility: also suitable for autonomous driving, global

manufacturing capacities


- Customers benefit from reduced time-to-market through modular pre-integrated



BENTELER is offering a special platform concept for a people mover in the

minibus segment. The e-mobility solution is designed for minibuses in the 15 to

22 passenger range. With it, BENTELER is meeting the demand for environmentally

friendly mobility solutions – even in passenger conveyance.


With the platform, the automotive supplier is building on its experience gained

with the BENTELER Electric Drive System rolling chassis. "This innovative

solution for passenger cars is already on the market. Many years of know-how

and a great deal of practical experience went into the development of the new

platform for the people mover," emphasizes Marco Kollmeier, Vice President of

the E-Mobility Business Unit at BENTELER Automotive. "At the same time, the new

platform concept also meets the special requirements of passenger conveyance –

an area where, until now, the growing demand from mobility providers has met

with a very low level of supply. With this, we are taking another innovative

step in e-mobility."


Modular design shortens the time to market for mobility providers


"With the new platform concept, BENTELER is supporting manufacturers in

developing inexpensive, safe and environmentally friendly e-mobility solutions

that accelerate their business," emphasizes Kollmeier. "This is because the

modular, pre-integrated systems of the People Mover platform offer many

advantages in making tomorrow's mobility easier, safer and more sustainable.

They enable automotive manufacturers and industry entrants to implement

e-mobility solutions for passenger transportation efficiently and with reduced

time to market. And that's in any market: BENTELER can manufacture the people

mover platform worldwide."


BENTELER has many years of experience in the development and production of

chassis modules, platforms and large structural components. Added to this are

comprehensive know-how in system integration and a marked awareness of quality.

"With our strong partner network, we can also develop and manufacture complete

shuttles," Kollmeier adds. He highlights another advantage: "Together with our

partners, we offer pre-designed solutions into which our customers can deploy

their ADAS systems. This saves them valuable development time for quick market





BENTELER is a global, family-owned company serving customers in automotive

technology, the energy sector and mechanical engineering. As metal processing

specialists, we develop, produce and distribute safety-related products,

systems and services worldwide.


Our portfolio encompasses components and modules for the automotive industry,

in the areas of chassis, body, engine and exhaust systems as well as system

solutions for electric vehicles. In addition, we develop technical equipment

and plant for leading automotive suppliers and for the glass-processing



Also, based on more than 140 years of experience in steel, we develop seamless

and welded quality steel tubes – from material development to tube applications.


BENTELER. The family of driven professionals. Since 1876.


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Birgit Held

Vice President Corporate Communications/Marketing

Tel.: +49 89 3740 8137

Mobile: +49 162 2427 264

E-mail: public.relations@benteler.com


BENTELER Automotive:

Dr. Yves Ostrowski

Head of Communications/Marketing

Paderborn, Germany

Tel.: +49 5254 81 307610

Mobile: +49 172 5727257

E-mail: public.relations@benteler.com








