Go and Change!




GUANGZHOU, China, May 13, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Today marks the release date of GAC MOTOR's new slogan and brand values that

define the company's strategic direction moving forward: GO AND CHANGE!




Creating great vehicles is at the center of GAC MOTOR's work. However, the

company aims go further: looking to break new boundaries in technology, design,

and research, and to create value and meaningful changes in customer's lives.


"GO AND CHANGE!" encapsulates GAC MOTOR's ethos and direction, which focuses on

progress through change: namely, pursuing cutting-edge technological research

and innovation allows the company to develop well-crafted Chinese automobiles.


Brand Values


Four key concepts are at the center of GAC MOTOR's new brand values:

Craftmanship; Q/D/R (quality, durability, reliability) technological

innovation; and connection.


To practice craftsmanship to its fullest, GAC MOTOR always aspires to

transcendence of expectations and excellence in every detail; this is what

creates higher quality products with lasting value and provides a more

enjoyable experience for customers.


Quality, Durability and Reliability follows on naturally from this. Every GAC

MOTOR vehicle is extensively tested, shown by more than 4 million enhanced

testing kilometers driven by the company thus far. Each model is expected to

maintain its quality for 240,000 kilometers and 10 years of travel.


Technological innovation is what will allow the company to compete

internationally. Billions of yuan have been funneled into GAC R&D Centers in

Detroit, Silicon Valley, Shanghai and Guangzhou. As the company makes a strong

push towards electrification, these centers have yielded encouraging results,

such as "sponge silicon" that has drastically reduced the weight and charge

times of lithium batteries.


Finally, building a connection of trust with local markets is an important part

of GAC MOTOR's new stage of brand development. 3 new teams have dispatched to

Hong Kong, Russia and the Middle East, and showrooms have opened around the

world. GAC MOTOR has seen success in Chile, which opened 7 new locations, and

Saudi Arabia, which this year reached the milestone of 10,000 units sold. These

are encouraging examples of increasing global trust in the GAC MOTOR brand.


GAC MOTOR is in a position of newfound strength and sees itself today as not

just a car manufacturer, but a representative of the power of Chinese

craftsmanship. Rather than waiting for the future to happen, GAC MOTOR and

drivers throw themselves into action to shape the future: to "GO AND CHANGE!"

their reality.






