Idealmed GHS, part of European health group IGHS, commissions new Oman International Hospital in Muscat, Oman

Idealmed International Group

AsiaNet 89603


MUSCAT, Oman, May 20, 2021, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


The Idealmed Global Healthcare Services (Idealmed GHS),  part of the european  

health group IGHS, based in Coimbra, Portugal, starts the comissioning of the

impressive "Oman International Hospital".


Having participated in projects in Asia, Europe, Africa and in the Midle East,

the extraordinary recently launched "Oman International Hospital" (OIH), is the

perfect example of the Idealmed GHS capabilities. The OIH was fully conceived,

designed and equipped by Idealmed GHS, that will now operate the Hospital in

accordance with the most exigent international standards of quality.


With matchless conditions, the "Oman International Hospital" is already

considered a landmark in Oman and assumes the ambition to lead the private

health sector in the country and in the region, by providing the most advanced

diagnostic and treatment solutions to all its users.


As per vision of the Idealmed GHS, the OIH also hosts a "Med Academy", fully

sustained by Siemens, that will ensure the continous training of all its Human

Resources and the implementation of international programmes that promotes the

sharing of competences and experiences.  


Idealmed GHS integrates the international know-how of the most distinguished

organizations, from Universities to R&D Institutions, leading multinacional

companies, and other renowned hospital groups worldwide, with the single aim to

conceive, develop and operate unique health projects, allowing its partners to

have a single entity fully responsible for its implementation and governance.


Idealmed GHS assumes its international linkage with companies like Siemens,

IBM, among many others, and the relation with the Academic world, in particular

with the University of Coimbra, one of the oldest and most prestigious

International Universities, as its key pillars of success.


"Knowing that in a modern world knowledge has no boundaries, at Idealmed GHS we

merge the experience of all our partners, crafting healthcare projects and

tailoring services to each individual.


"In all our facilities, we integrate culture with science, safety with confort,

and aesthetics with functionality. Using the most innovative layouts and

engeneering concepts and leading-edge eqquipment solutions, we combine

techonlogical sophostication with the know-how of the most skilled and trained

Human Resources.


"At Idealmed GHS we assume a disruptive vision for hospitals, leading

innovative projects and  maximizing their sustainability and profitability,

enhancing the confort and well-being of its users and surpassing their

superlative expectations," stated Dr. José Alexandre Cunha, Chairman Of

Idealmed GHS.  


"Crafting healthcare projects, tailoring services to each individual."

"Toghether we do it better."




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Source: Idealmed International Group





