Dataiku Now Available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace




NEW YORK, June 1, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- Microsoft Azure customers worldwide now gain access to Dataiku, giving

companies large and small an easy way to leverage the power of AI


Dataiku( ), one of the world's leading AI and machine

learning platforms, announced today that it is now available through the

Microsoft Azure Marketplace, an online store providing applications and

services for use on Azure. This availability opens the door for Azure customers

to take advantage of Dataiku's easy-to-use visual interface to build data

pipelines, prepare data, and build and deploy machine learning models on their



Azure customers can now purchase Dataiku - a leader in AI and support for

elastic cloud computing - using their Azure cloud budget and relationship,

removing the barrier of new contracts or legal hassles when starting their

journey to enterprise AI at scale.


"AI and cloud really go together," said Florian Douetteau, CEO of Dataiku.

"With Dataiku in the Azure Marketplace, we think more organizations will be

able to leverage the power of AI on the cloud to make smarter, faster

decisions, deliver better customer experiences, and automate key business



Dataiku's availability in the Azure Marketplace also ensures that the platform

is fully integrated with Azure storage and compute services. Dataiku's unique

push-down architecture and elastic integrations take advantage of native cloud

computing resources to both push down work to cloud computing resources like

Spark and Kubernetes and also automatically spin up and spin down compute

resources for the data preparation, model building, and model scoring jobs

orchestrated on Dataiku, so customers only pay for what they need.


Customers who use Dataiku through Azure have seamless access to data stored on

Azure; can scale data pipelines and machine learning processes by leveraging

compute clusters; can connect, visualize, transform, and analyze datasets

stored in SQL databases; and can leverage a broad range of Microsoft

technologies. This includes preparing, modeling, and exporting data to Power

BI, using Azure Cognitive Services to apply pre-trained NLP and computer vision

models, and developing Dataiku recipes or plugins using Visual Studio Code.


Jake Zborowski, General Manager, Microsoft Azure Platform at Microsoft Corp.,

said, "We're pleased to welcome Dataiku to the Microsoft Azure Marketplace,

which gives our partners great exposure to cloud customers around the globe.

Azure Marketplace offers world-class quality experiences from global trusted

partners with solutions tested to work seamlessly with Azure."


The Azure Marketplace is an online market for buying and selling cloud

solutions certified to run on Azure. The Azure Marketplace helps connect

companies seeking innovative, cloud-based solutions with partners who have

developed solutions that are ready to use.


Learn more about Dataiku at its page(

) in the Azure Marketplace.


About Dataiku


Dataiku is one of the world's leading AI and machine learning platforms,

supporting agility in organizations' data efforts via collaborative, elastic,

and responsible AI, all at enterprise scale. Hundreds of companies use Dataiku

to underpin their essential business operations and ensure they stay relevant

in a changing world, including models driving fraud detection, customer churn

prevention, predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, and much more.

Dataiku is built for companies looking to democratize AI across their

organization, bringing agility and preparedness to the business through the use

of data by everyone from analysts to data scientists.


SOURCE:  Dataiku



Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Logo Dataiku




   Caption: Interface of Dataiku





