World less peaceful as civil unrest and political instability increases due to COVID-19 pandemic, reveals IEP

Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)



LONDON, June 17, 2021, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Today marks the launch of the 15th edition of the Global Peace Index from the

international think-tank the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)

[ ].


Key results

- Civil unrest rose globally by 10%, with Belarus recording the largest

deterioration. There were 14,871 violent demonstrations, protests and riots

recorded globally in 2020.

- Over 60% of people globally are worried about sustaining serious harm from

violent crime.

- Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, and Afghanistan the

least peaceful.

- Although there has been an improvement in militarisation since 2008, there

are now signs that this trend has reversed.

- The economic impact of violence increased in 2020 to $14.96 trillion -

equivalent to 11.6% of the world's GDP or $1,942 per person - due to increased

military spending.

- The death toll from terrorism has declined for the sixth consecutive year.


COVID-19 highlights


- In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had a noticeable impact on violence, with

some improvements, such as violent conflict, while other indicators

deteriorated significantly including violent demonstrations. Three times as

many countries deteriorated than improved.

- Political instability also increased with twice as many countries

deteriorating than improving.

- There were widespread protests against pandemic related measures with over

5,000 events recorded globally.

- Countries such as India, Chile, Italy, France, Germany, and South Africa

were particularly impacted by demonstrations.

- The Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Ireland, Lithuania, the Netherlands,

Norway, Singapore, Slovenia, and Switzerland are best placed for a

post-COVID-19 recovery.


The 15th edition of the annual Global Peace Index (GPI) report, the world's

leading measure of global peacefulness, reveals that the average level of

global peacefulness deteriorated for the ninth time in twelve years in 2020.

Overall, 87 countries improved in peacefulness, whilst 73 deteriorated. This

was the second smallest in the history of the index but the report also reveals

that improvements in peace are more gradual than declines. As much of the world

looks towards a COVID-19 recovery, increased civil unrest and political

instability will be important to navigate.


Iceland remains the most peaceful country in the world, a position it has held

since 2008. It is joined at the top of the index by New Zealand, Denmark,

Portugal, and Slovenia. Afghanistan remains as the least peaceful country in

the world for the fourth consecutive year, followed by Yemen, Syria, South

Sudan, and Iraq. Eight of the ten countries at the top of the GPI are located

in Europe. This is the largest share of European countries to be ranked in the

top ten list in the history of the index.


The largest improvement in peacefulness occurred in the Middle East and North

Africa (MENA) region, which recorded significant reductions in conflict;

however, it is still the least peaceful region in the world. Iraq recorded the

second largest improvement globally after Ukraine. Burkina Faso experienced the

biggest deterioration of any country in the world, falling 13 places.


The indicators that had the largest deteriorations in the 2021 GPI were:

military expenditure (105 countries), weapons imports (90 countries), political

instability (46 countries) and violent demonstrations (25 countries). The

following indicators had the most improvements: terrorism (115 countries),

internal conflicts fought (21 countries) and deaths from internal conflict (33



Steve Killelea, Founder & Executive Chairman of IEP said: "The COVID-19

pandemic has accelerated shifts in global peacefulness. Although there was a

fall in the level of conflict and terrorism in 2020, political instability and

violent demonstrations have increased. The economic fallout from the pandemic

will create further uncertainty, especially for countries that were struggling

prior to the pandemic."


Civil unrest & COVID-19


Fuelled by the pandemic the key negative trend this year is the global rise in

civil unrest.


The largest regional deterioration in peacefulness occurred in North America,

due to the increased levels of political instability, homicides, and violent

demonstrations. Events such as the storming of the Capitol building and

widespread protests across the United States in support of the Black Lives

Matter movement increased civil unrest, political instability and the intensity

of internal conflict in 2020.


As much of the world went into lockdown, the total level of political and civil

unrest rose. Between January 2020 and April 2021, over 5,000 pandemic-related

violent events were recorded, and 25 countries deteriorated in the violent

demonstrations indicator – in comparison to just eight that improved. The

violent demonstrations score is now the highest since the inception of the

index, with the largest deteriorations occurring in Belarus, Myanmar, Russia,

the United States, and the Kyrgyz Republic.


During the pandemic, countries with higher levels of peacefulness had more

resilient economies. High Peace* countries recorded reductions of less than 7%

in total hours worked, while low Peace countries recorded up to 23% according

to IEP's Business & Peace Report 2021




The full post-pandemic recovery will not be quick or easy. It is also likely to

be uneven, and countries with weak fiscal situations will find it harder than

others. Equatorial Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Laos are amongst the countries

considered to have the greatest risk of large falls in peacefulness.

Although Europe experienced a number of protest events last year, the region

remains the most peaceful in the world; however, political instability rose

across the continent, along with key indicators of Militarisation, including

military expenditure, weapons imports, and nuclear and heavy weapons



Militarisation and terrorism


Global militarisation has increased over the past two years with more countries

increasing military expenditure and their armed services personnel rate. This

is a reversal of the trend of the prior decade where 105 countries had

improved, while 57 deteriorated. The US, China, Germany and South Korea had the

largest increases in military expenditure in the last two years.

The death toll for terrorism continues to decline, with total deaths from

terrorism falling for the last six consecutive years. Preliminary data for 2020

suggests that less than 10,000 deaths were caused by terrorism.


Despite the total number of conflict-related deaths falling since 2014, the

number of conflicts globally increased by 88% since 2010. However, new

conflicts are emerging in the Sahel and the Horn of Africa with sub-Saharan

Africa accounting for over 65% of total violent conflicts in the 2021 GPI.

Preliminary data suggests that this trend is likely to continue.


Overall, the economic impact of violence in 2020 rose slightly to $14.96

trillion - or 11.6% of global GDP - due to an increase in global military

expenditure, which rose by 3.7%. This is equivalent to $1,942 for every person

on the planet.


Thomas Morgan, Associate Director of Research, says: "Violence is a very real

and significant threat to many people around the world. Over 60% of people

globally are worried about being the victim of violent crime. However, despite

the high fear of violence most people feel the world is getting safer. Nearly

75% of people globally felt that the world was as safe or safer than 5 years



Violence and safety


Violence remains a pressing issue for many people globally and is cited as the

biggest risk to daily safety in almost a third of countries. Over half of the

population in Afghanistan, Brazil, South Africa, Mexico, and Dominican Republic

reported violence as the greatest risk to their safety in their daily lives.

Despite this, some indicators of violence have recorded significant

improvements since the start of the index, including perceptions of criminality

which has improved in 86 countries. 123 countries have seen their homicide rate

fall since 2008 and people from 84 countries have stated they feel safer

walking alone. Even with these improvements, data has revealed that women are

5% more fearful of violence than men** – while some countries have extreme

differences. In Portugal 23% of women are more fearful of violence than men.


Regional overview:


- The Middle East and North Africa region (MENA) remained the world's least

peaceful region, but recorded the biggest improvement.

- In Sub-Saharan Africa, half of the population have had a recent experience

of violence. Those living in Namibia had the highest experience of violence in

the world at 63%.

- Over 50% of people in the Asia-Pacific region feel safer now than five years

ago. In China, 63% of people said that they felt safer, which is the best

result in the region.

- Europe recorded an improvement in peacefulness on the 2021 GPI, because of

the continued improvement of the terrorism impact indicator.

- North America had the largest deterioration on the index fuelled by

political instability in the US.

- For the first time in five years, peacefulness deteriorated in Russia and

Eurasia due to an increase in violent demonstrations.

- South America experienced the second largest regional deterioration, owing

to increases in violent crime and civil unrest.

- Due to improvements in the Militarisation and Safety and Security domain,

South Asia was one of only three regions to record an improvement in

peacefulness over the last year.

- In Central America and the Caribbean, nine countries deteriorated, with only

Nicaragua, Haiti, and Guatemala recording improvements.

For more information and to download the Global Peace Index 2021 and also the

Business & Peace Report 2021, visit and




*High Peace is the attitudes, institutions and structures that create and

sustain peaceful societies, also known as Positive Peace.  

** Data from the Lloyds Register World Risk Poll/IEP


The GPI report, articles and interactive maps are available at:


Twitter: @globpeaceindex /

Facebook: @globalpeaceindex


About the Global Peace Index (GPI)


Produced by the international think-tank the Institute for Economics & Peace

(IEP) [ ], the GPI report presents the most

comprehensive data-driven analysis to date on peace, its economic value,

trends, and how to develop peaceful societies. The report covers 99.7% of the

world's population and uses 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators from

highly respected sources to compile the index. These indicators are grouped

into three key domains: Ongoing Conflict, Safety and Security, and



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SOURCE: Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP)




