Peng Liyuan urges cooperation on women's education, poverty reduction




BEIJING, July 22, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --



A report from CCTV+:


Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, on Tuesday called for making

concerted and persistent efforts to deepen cooperation on women's education and

poverty reduction.




Peng, a special envoy of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and

Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for the advancement of girls' and women's

education, made the remarks while addressing via video link the forum on

women's education and poverty reduction, co-sponsored by All China Women's

Federation and related institutions of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization



Noting eliminating poverty and embracing happiness represent the common ideal

for women, and education will bring women the power to get rid of poverty, Peng

said China has scored a complete victory in the fight against poverty and

hundreds of millions of women in China have shaken off poverty.


China has taken a series of measures to ensure women are equally entitled to

education, and they become beneficiaries, participants and contributors in the

fight against poverty, Peng said.


She mentioned a program by the local government in Guizhou Province to develop

the specialty industry of women's handicrafts, and Zhang Guimei, a headmaster,

helping girls in poverty-stricken mountainous areas realize their college dream.


Peng pointed out that, currently, there are still 435 million women living in

poverty globally amid stark educational gaps between the sexes and new

challenges facing poverty alleviation brought by COVID-19.


Hailing women's role in promoting the SCO's development over the past 20 years

since its founding, Peng called for joining hands and persisting in deepening

cooperation on women's education and poverty reduction, adding this would light

up the path of hope for women through education and bring women more

opportunities to make life better.


Source: CCTV+






