RTB House Reveals Why The Delayed Roll-Out of Google's Privacy Sandbox Is Positive For Advertisers

RTB House



SINGAPORE, Aug. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


RTB House, a market leader in Deep Learning-powered marketing technologies, is

proud to provide a leading source of knowledge regarding Google's Privacy

Sandbox. Specifically RTB House would like to put the recent changes to the

timeline for the Privacy Sandbox and what this means for advertising market



On June 24th Google released an updated timeline for the Privacy Sandbox [


]and revealed a plan to phase out support for third-party cookies over a three

month period starting mid-2023. The planned changes are designed to allow

"sufficient time" for the regulators, publishers, and the advertising industry

to prepare for the change.


"The updated timeline didn't come to us as a surprise, and it is likely a

reaction to the United Kingdom's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) recent

interventions on the topic," explained Lukasz Wodarczyk, Global Inventory

Partnerships Director at RTB House. "While there is understandable concern, the

announcement gives everyone more time to prepare for the cookieless future, and

we believe that it is in fact a positive change that will help ensure the

success of the Privacy Sandbox."


Since Google initially announced the Privacy Sandbox in January 2020 RTB House

has been working to make its platform fully prepared for the cookieless future.

The company has been an active participant in the project, for example RTB

House recently hit a key milestone by becoming the first DSP to successfully

use Privacy Sandbox's FLEDGE simulation [


], globally buying real advertising impressions for almost 500 advertisers. RTB

House is also the only provider to have two proposals fully integrated into

FLEDGE [ https://github.com/WICG/turtledove/blob/main/FLEDGE.md ], improving

the usability and competitiveness of the project.


In this context RTB House believes that the extended timeline represents a more

realistic roll-out of the Privacy Sandbox. This will provide advertisers and

publishers with precious time to integrate new marketing strategies that

combine individual, group-based and contextual targeting. Most importantly the

extended schedule will provide time for wider buy-side engagement on the

testing stage of FLoC and FLEDGE. This will give RTB House time to refine and

test its FLEDGE simulation.


RTB House is particularly pleased to see that Google Chrome is no longer the

only browser working on privacy-first APIs that address legitimate advertising

use cases. RTB House warmly welcomes Microsoft Edge's PARAKEET [

https://github.com/WICG/privacy-preserving-ads/blob/main/Parakeet.md ]and look

forward to Firefox's future announcement [

https://blog.mozilla.org/en/mozilla/the-future-of-ads-and-privacy/ ]. RTB House

fully plans to integrate these emerging cookieless advertising solutions into

its platform, and engage with them in a positive manner.


If you would like to learn more about cookieless advertising, you can visit:



RTB House is a global company that provides marketing technologies powered by

Deep Learning engines to brands and agencies worldwide. Performance and

full-funnel solutions are employed in over 2,000 active campaigns across the

EMEA, APAC, and Americas regions. RTB House has been repeatedly recognized for

its marketing innovations and has been ranked among Europe's fastest-growing

companies by the Financial Times in each of the last four years.


Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1571985/RTB_House_Infographic.jpg

Logo  - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1571986/RTB_House_Logo.jpg


Source: RTB House






