Sanya Tourism Promotion Board launches new official website

Sanya Tourism Promotion Board



SANYA, China, Aug. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


- Driving the transformation of Sanya into one of the world's top tourist



Sanya Tourism Promotion Board's newly designed multilingual tourism website

( formally went live on August 20. Taking its cue from some

of the world's most successful websites run by official tourism boards,

including those of the Hong Kong and Singapore tourism boards, the site is

innovative in style, website architecture, interactive content and other

aspects, with expectations running strong that it will further boost the

promotional efforts of Sanya's excellent tourism resources while enhancing the

popularity and reputation of Sanya worldwide. It is anticipated that the site

will persuade more online visitors to choose this seaside destination for an

upcoming vacation, which, in turn, will further justify the construction of

Sanya International Tourism and Consumption Center.


The Sanya tourism promotion website was simultaneously launched in Simplified

and Traditional Chinese, English and Russian. Given the current preferences of

younger travelers, a mobile version was launched simultaneously with the

version for PCs.


An executive at Sanya Tourism Promotion Board explained that the new website

highlights Sanya's rich and colorful tourism resources by categorizing the

information according to Sanya's four districts. At the same time, the

executive explained, the site is also paying close attention to market

segmentation, with themed sections catering to the varied expectations of

visitors based on their demographics and preferences, including, among others,

Family Time in Sanya, Healthy Sanya, Romantic Sanya, Leisure in Sanya and Night

Tour in Sanya.


The website will be regularly optimized and updated after the trial period, to

be always current with the latest, most authoritative information, while

displaying photos of the area's most interesting scenery and descriptions of

the area's characteristic culture. At the same time, Sanya's tourism

authorities remain dedicated to be continually improving the service experience

for visitors in a move to transform the city into one of world's top tourism



The website team plans to integrate resources around what they refer to as

"tourism +", gathering together more high-quality content and services, with a

focus on "must see" sites and "must do" experiences, to maximize the value that

the visitor will get out of a sojourn here. The goal is to assure that every

visitor will fall in love with this city-by-the-sea, and bring home joyful and

unforgettable memories of their time spent in the tropical paradise named Sanya.


SOURCE  Sanya Tourism Promotion Board


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   Caption: Sanya Tourism Promotion Board launches new official website






