BCS2021 Held in Beijing, Focusing on Operation Security

The Organizing Committee of BCS2021



BEIJING, Aug. 31, 2021 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


At present, the digital wave has swept the world, the society has entered a new

stage driven by data, and cyber security has become the premise and cornerstone

of the development of digital economy. At the recent 2021 Beijing Cyber

Security Conference (BCS2021), some experts said that facing the high

requirements, high risks and high uncertainties in the digital age, the

industry needs to focus on operation security and change its development

thinking and mode.


According to the Organizing Committee of BCS2021, with the theme of "Planning &

Operating Cyber Security Ensure Enterprise Operates Safely", BCS2021 took place

recently in the form of a cloud summit. More than 10 CAS and CAE academicians

and over 200 extinguished foreign guests exchanged views on and discussed hot

topics such as security responsibility, industry trends, digital city, data

governance, internet of vehicles, and password application. BCS is known as the

Davos Forum in the field of cyber security. The theme words of the conferences

in recent three consecutive years "endogenous security", "security framework"

and "operation security" constitute a "trilogy" of cyber security.


"The 'digital epidemic' caused by network insecurity and cybercrime through

ransomware is as serious as Covid-19. The victims and threats are global and

have no national boundaries," John Davis, global vice president and chief

security officer of Palo Alto Networks, a famous cyber security company, said

in his speech at the conference.


Neil MacDonald, vice president of outstanding research at Gartner, a consulting

firm, delivered a speech entitled "Global Cyber Security Trends in 2021". He

said that the current global security challenges will give birth to new trends

of security and risk management, one of which is to proactively identify risks

by using vulnerability and attack simulation tools.


In the face of a complex cyber security situation, it is necessary to establish

an overall, systematic, and dynamic protection concept, adhere to bottom-line

thinking and proactive defense, and comprehensively deal with the ever-changing

security risks.


What is the dynamic protection concept? Qi Xiangdong, co-chairman of the

conference and chairman of Qi-Anxin Group, said: "Network security involves

both attack and defense, just like spear and shield. If you develop an advanced

shield, it will fall behind after a period of time, because your opponent will

definitely develop a more advanced spear against the shield. Therefore, no

security protection is once and for all and always advanced."


He further explained that the realization of cyber security is a dynamic

process of improvement, and only by constantly upgrading security capabilities

can complex problems be solved. To this end, more efforts should be made to

enhance security capability to protect complex systems and complex

transactions; mobilize sufficient human and financial resources to meet

unlimited security demand; provide professional and efficient security

operation services to resist complex network attacks; strengthen cognitive

ability to form strong situational awareness; turn security products into

capabilities, resources and services; comprehensively improve credit capacity,

refine the credit, and achieve dynamic control through dynamic evaluation of



Source: The Organizing Committee of BCS2021


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=399477


   Caption: The site of 2021 Beijing Network Security Conference






