SNS Instagram marketing: No fruitful outcome without systematic data analysis

Featuring Corp.



SEOUL, South Korea, Sept. 3, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


-Seenamon, a service from Featuring Corp. is an Instagram analysis service for

influencers and marketers


As people are spending more time on digital devices and digital contents are

becoming as far-reaching as TV media, the SNS marketing market is growing in

size, along with the Instagram influencer market.


Amid a sharp increase in consumption of SNS contents, companies are changing

their marketing activities, especially in Instagram marketing and

advertisements. Companies that attempted to enhance their brand power with

celebrities in the past are now aggressively seeking ways to promote their

brands with Instagram influencers.


Under such circumstance, many people are diving into the influencer market,

which means a low entry barrier and far fiercer competition. Accordingly,

systematic data analysis and strategy establishment are essential to achieve an

actual and significant fruitful outcome from individual activities.


Various solutions have been developed to help normal people easily analyze

their SNS accounts and establish strategies. The process of analyzing data,

current position and future direction is important, not only to those who step

into the influencer market, but also to the existing influencers.


Featuring Corp. has released an SNS account analysis manager service, Seenamon.

It is an assistant analysis service to help users grow their accounts and

increase their influence, targeting Korea, Japan and English-speaking

countries. Approximately 1,000 influencers signed up within just one month from

the initiation of the service and are increasing their account influence.


The service can provide a report of SNS account influence change and guideline

every day when it is synced with a mobile messenger. The report is sent with an

alarm message at 7 p.m., showing the influence of account and posting, and

change in followers at a glance.


In addition, it provides an insight on various topics such as followers'

favorite contents types, most popular contents, unpopular contents, most

responsive time zone, etc. Such insight is also useful for companies running an

SNS account for promotional purposes, as well as individual influencers.


"Instagram marketing has been in place for a long time, but many people are

still running their accounts without data analysis or strategy. Seenamon is an

easy analysis tool for anyone who's interested in Instagram marketing such as

influencers, normal users and brand companies", Seenamon said.


Source: Featuring Corp.


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   Caption: SNS Instagram marketing: No fruitful outcome without systematic data analysis




