CGTN: China, UK to strengthen cooperation on climate change, biodiversity




BEIJING, Sept. 9, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


China and the UK have expressed willingness to strengthen dialogue and

cooperation in tackling global climate change and achieve positive results at

the upcoming United Nations (UN) Climate Change Conference and the Global

Biodiversity Summit.


Chinese Vice Premier Han Zheng and Alok Sharma, president-designate of the 2021

UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), made the assurance during a video meeting

on Tuesday.


COP26 will be held in Glasgow, Scotland, in November, while the 15th meeting of

the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

(COP15) will be held in south China's Kunming City online in October 2021 and

offline in October 2022.


Han stressed that global solidarity and cooperation are needed to tackle

climate change.


Expressing expectations for COP26, Han hopes that the climate conference will

send a strong political signal for firmly upholding multilateralism, respecting

multilateral rules and promoting actions. He also expects that the delegates at

COP26 will actively transform climate goals into specific policies and actions,

and complete the negotiations to meet the Paris Agreement.


Both countries have maintained good cooperation in dealing with climate change

and have set stronger carbon emission reduction targets to meet carbon

neutrality, Han said, also calling both sides to exploit their advantages and

strengthen dialogue related to climate change.


China, which holds the presidency of COP15, is willing to work with the UK to

promote the success of the two conferences, Han said.


Hailing China's efforts in tackling climate change, Sharma said the UK looks

forward to expanding exchanges and cooperation in areas such as climate

finance, energy and carbon trading and is willing to strengthen dialogue and

coordination with China to achieve positive outcomes at COP26 and COP15.


Source: CGTN


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: China and the UK have maintained a good cooperative relationship in coping with

climate change./CFP






