Yangtze River light show in China's auto valley reflects shift to smart manufacturing

The Publicity Department of WHDZ

AsiaNet 91586


WUHAN, China, Sept., 10, 2021 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


The "China Auto Valley Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Light

Show" kicked off in central China's Wuhan on Wednesday evening.


The opening performance at the Yellow Crane Tower, the light show along two

rivers, the performance of 1,000 drones and other highlights were staged in

turn. The landmarks of Shanghai, Nanjing, Chongqing and Changsha put on light

shows in synchronization, which vividly illustrates the legendary story of

Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ)'s transition from a

manufacturing hub to a smart manufacturing high ground, according to the

Publicity Department of WHDZ.


The whole event began with the opening show at the Yellow Crane Tower. A

lighted ancient map opened the splendid civilization along the Zhuan River. The

historical scenes of trail-blazing production, roaring machinery and rolling

wheels were reproduced in turn. Accompanied by melodious music, the reciting

actors told the legendary stories of pioneering generations' hard work.


After that performance, a new energy vehicle drove from a virtual intelligent

factory and led the audience to wander through history from the perspective of

unmanned vehicles, witnessing the magnificent transformation of the WHDZ from a

barren slope to a modern new city.


Then, more than 1,000 flashing drones flew into the night sky, reading "China

Auto Valley", "WHDZ, Junshan New City" and "Starting again for a second

venture". At the same time, high-end new energy vehicles, unmanned driving,

industrial robots, cloud computing and other innovative elements of the valley

flashed past nearly a thousand buildings around the two rivers, echoing the

time-honored Yellow Crane Tower.


The "Yellow Crane" and the China Auto Valley move from manufacturing to smart

manufacturing in the dialogue between the ancient and the modern.


"Very impressive, very creative!" said Lu Fei, general manager of Wuhan

Operation Center of Hubei Ecarx, adding that tonight's light show was a

concentrated display of the innovation achievements of China Auto Valley.


This year marks the 30th anniversary of WHDZ's establishment. Thirty years ago,

China Auto Valley started from Zhuan Kou with a mission to help turn China into

a manufacturing power.


Today, 30 years later, China Auto Valley is starting from Junshan for a second

venture, and promoting new development drivers with scientific and

technological innovation. A new blueprint for high-quality development has been

written in the zone's transition to a smart manufacturing center.


Looking forward, WHDZ will take the initiative to shoulder the historical

mission of building a world-class automobile industry cluster, said Liu Ziqing,

top official of WHDZ.


Efforts will be made to promote the linkage between smart city infrastructure

and intelligent networked automobiles, and the coordination between digital

industrialization and industrial digitalization. The zone will cultivate and

expand new economies and improve governance to write a new chapter in

high-quality development, according to Liu.


Source: The Publicity Department of WHDZ


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=400319


   Caption: The "China Auto Valley Science and Technology Innovation Achievements Light

Show" kicked off in central China's Wuhan on Wednesday evening.





