China's Hangzhou marks one-year countdown to 19th Asian Games

The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Organising Committee



HANGZHOU, China, Sept. 10, 2021 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On the evening of September 10th, Hangzhou, the host city of the 19th Asian

Games, will hold a one-year countdown event highlighting various expectations.

The torch design and official sports uniform design of Hangzhou Asian Games

will officially released during the event, sending an invitation to the world.


Six years ago, Hangzhou became the third city in China to host the Asian Games

after Beijing and Guangzhou. As an Asia-wide sports gala, the Asian Games is

not only a sports event, but also a concentrated display of a city's

civilization concept, public participation, high-tech achievements and

international image.


With the overall positioning of "New Era, Great Asian Games" and the concept of

hosting a green, smart, economical and ethical event, the Hangzhou Asian Games

has overcome the impact of COVID-19 and made solid progress in all areas of



This year is decisive for the preparations for Hangzhou Asian Games. The Games

has 55 competition venues, 5 Asian Games villages and athletes sub-villages in

Hangzhou and 5 co-host cities in the province.


At present, 42 competition venues have been completed, and the competition

functionality acceptance is underway. It is expected that all venues will be

delivered and enter the trial operation before the end of 2021. As early as

March this year, the first phase of sport entry has been completed. On the

basis of 45 participating countries (regions) in previous years, it included

Oceania countries (regions) for the first time, covering all 61 disciplines of

the Asian Games.


"Preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games have made remarkable progress with

many highlights," Prince Ahmed, President of the Olympic Council of Asia, spoke

highly of the preparations for the Hangzhou Asian Games at the 39th General

Assembly of the OCA on December 16, 2020.


Another remarkable result of this conference is the announcement that esports

and breaking are officially included in the competitions of Hangzhou Asian

Games. So far, the Games will see 40 sports and 61 disciplines. The official

entry of esports into the Games has also become a major feature and highlight

of the innovation and inclusiveness of Hangzhou Asian Games.


"Intelligence" was frequently mentioned during the preparations for the

Hangzhou Asian Games. Creating a "smart" Asian Games has become the focus for

all walks of life at home and abroad. Hangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee

takes digitalization reform as the engine and relies on the advantages of

digital economy in Zhejiang and Hangzhou to promote the development of "Smart

Asian Games". The deep integration of the latest technology with the Asian

Games scenarios are applied in the organizing, participating and watching of

the Games. Asian athletes and guests can feel the intelligence of smart cities

and the charm of future cities.


For example, in the field of intelligent venues, "Big Lotus", Hangzhou Olympic

Sports Centre Stadium, won many awards in China. The "Little Lotus", the Tennis

Centre, can rotate and close according to weather conditions thanks to its

world-leading technology, according to Chen Weiqiang, deputy secretary-general

of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Organising Committee and vice mayor of



"To ensure the success of the Games and the improvement of the city, our

stadium construction has always combined the operation during the Games and the

use after the Games. It is not only to meet the needs of the Games, but more

importantly to leave a legacy of the Games for the city and the people," Chen

said. Hangzhou will increase the use of venues after the Games, promote sports

for all, mark the Asian Games into a city brand, let more people come to

Hangzhou, know Zhejiang, and let the world feel the cultural heritage and

innovation vitality of Hangzhou, according to him.


The preparations for the Asian Games will continue to make joint efforts in

sports service, smart city development and branding. Efforts will also be made

to create a superb sports and cultural event with Chinese style, Zhejiang

glamour and Hangzhou flavour, so that the Hangzhou Asian Games will impress the

world in 2022.


Source: The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 Organising Committee


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Venue for the opening and closing ceremonies and athletics competitions of

Hangzhou 2022 -- Hangzhou Olympic Sports Centre Stadium (Big Lotus)




   Caption: Hangzhou receives the flag at the closing ceremony of the Asian Games in

Jakarta, the Asian Games officially entering the "Hangzhou time".






