The EdHeroes Movement is launched. Its aim: to address the most pressing challenges in education

EdHeroes Foundation



ZURICH, September 13, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Early September saw the launch of the EdHeroes Movement.

[]. Its aim is to create a global network of

individuals, non-profit organizations, businesses, and government

organizations, bringing together their diverse set of resources in order to

explore and actualize fundamentally new solutions to the challenges education

is facing worldwide. The movement champions new approaches to problems in

education with emphasis on two concepts: putting family interests at the

forefront of education—offering them, protection, support, and a solid

foundation in their journey to success and well-being, and creating a community

that unites people in the joint endeavor of improving both access to education

and its quality.


We can confirm that the EdHeroes Movement Advisory Board

[] will contain Safeena Husain

[], Educate Girls (India), Wendy

Kopp [], Teach For All (USA), Mercedes Mayol



lle/], OMEP (Argentina), Conrad Wolfram []),

Wolfram Research (UK), Osama Obeidat [], Queen Rania

Teacher Academy (Jordan), Steven Duggan, UNESCO IITE and Terawe (Ireland),

Harry Patrinos [],

World Bank Education (USA), and other leading figures in education.


The EdHeroes Movement will connect individuals and organizations in a dynamic

network and bring together their resources to address the most pressing

challenges education faces in various regions. The members of the movement will

share a common approach to solving problems in education, but will have the

freedom to take the action required for a particular situation in a particular

region. For example, they can establish a local EdHeroes Forum in order to get

their agenda into the public domain and direct specialist knowledge and

resources towards the solution of the key issues in their region. It is planned

that the first local EdHeroes Forum will take place on October 16 in Indonesia.

The first EdHeroes Movement principle is that "education should have family

interests at heart," with the family's main "interest" being "raising a

competent individual, a citizen who can create, love, and make positive



The ambition to direct the focus of education towards family needs is motivated

by the fact that the pandemic increased the burden on home life. Research


f-covid-19] by BCG offers a clear example of this: during the pandemic in the

US, UK, France, Germany, and Italy, parents nearly doubled the time spent on

education and household tasks—from 30 to 57 hours per week. Wendy Kopp, CEO and

Co-founder of Teach For All, is confident that "family should be put at the

center of education." The pandemic helped this idea gain ground: "The pandemic

has strengthened the bond between home and school, between teacher and parent

by giving us an insight into what our children's education evolves on a day to

day basis, and by truly sharing responsibility for the child's growth," says

Steven Duggan, member of the Governing Board of the UNESCO IITE, and Vice

President of Terawe Corporation.


The EdHeroes Movement's second principle is creating a community around

educational organizations. The community is a flexible, resilient structure and

its main assets are connectedness and trust, which is what allowed educational

communities to quickly recalibrate and implement new methods during the

pandemic and address the problems its members faced as a result of



The movement's third principle centers on bringing together diverse material

and specialist resources. The EdHeroes Movement proposes collaboration with

non-profit organizations, businesses, government agencies, private

philanthropists, and anyone who is prepared to invest their time and resources

in educational development. Due to the low entry threshold, it is possible to

bring together previously untapped resources to explore new approaches to SDG



Harry Patrinos, Practice Manager, World Bank Education: "Now, more than ever,

educational progress relies on multiple actors working together. The

philanthropic can contribute to the creation of networks that will support

educational progress worldwide. I support the EdHeroes Movement because I

believe that multiple solutions from multiple actors are needed and I see a

real role for the philanthropic sector."


To take part in the movement, sign the manifesto

[] on the website.


For more information, please send an email to:


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Source: EdHeroes Foundation





