#WeToo launches movement to bring leading businesses and individuals into the fight against child abuse




GENEVA and PARIS, Sept. 17, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


#WeToo, the world's first global organisation to eradicate child abuse,

launches today. It will bring together leading businesses and individuals to

raise funds and awareness to help tackle the growing abuse of children



UNICEF and the World Health Organisation estimate that every year 55 million

children in Europe – and about a billion worldwide – are the victims of

physical, sexual, or psychological abuse or neglect. That is more children than

the population of Europe being abused globally.


While both governments and NGOs such as UNICEF have done much to tackle child

abuse, the problem is still growing, made worse by the COVID pandemic. #WeToo

aims to bring the private sector's dynamism and resources into the work of

ending child abuse.


It will do so in three ways:


1. Raise money: the fight against child abuse is under-funded. Individuals and

leading businesses can help correct that.


2. Distribute effectively: it is not enough just to raise money; we also need

to get it to those who can use it most effectively and quickly. The #WeToo

expert committee will choose projects to fund worldwide according to impact and

quality. All donations will be distributed, monitored and publicly reviewed

every 6 months with interim reviews to ensure milestones are achieved on time

by use of the latest blockchain technology from Concordium.


3. Campaign for action: we, too, can do our best raise awareness of not just

the problem, but also the solution. The further up the public agenda child

abuse goes, the more likely that society, including governments, is to act.


The movement's first event takes place on October 16, 2021, with a global DJ'ed

yoga event hosted by Stewart Gilchrist and Friends, with sessions being held in

the Himalayas, London, Paris, Bali, Copenhagen, Shanghai and New York.


"Children's voices need to be prioritized and heard, not silenced. It is timely

and appropriate that adults unite and commit to stopping child abuse, and I am

so delighted that leading figures in the private sector have offered to help us

solve this pressing and urgent global child abuse crisis. This is just what is

needed to improve the outlook for our children," said Hanna Dam-Stokholm,

#WeToo's founder.


#WeToo has already agreed to work alongside one of the world's leading

professional service providers Ernst & Young, Live Nation, the world's leading

live music promoter, and Concordium, the leading blockchain company.


The organisation's campaign plan has been drawn up by the #WeToo Expert

Committee, comprising some of the world's best child protection experts, such

as Dr Pierre Levy-Soussan, an expert at the French Tribunals and international

child protection expert, and Dr Rasmus Kjeldahl, Director of the Danish

children's NGO "Børns Vilkår."


#WeToo already has in place an exciting agenda of forthcoming events,

campaigns, alliances and concerts, more details of which will be released at a

later date.


About Hanna Dam-Stokholm


Senior expertise from the logistics sector and in launching and building luxury

brands globally (A.P.Moller-Maersk, Estee Lauder, KAO...). Activist, determined

to stop ignorance of child abuse and conjugal violence.


#WeToo contact:

Maribel Conti

Press Officer



6 Rue de la Rôtisserie, 1204 Genève, Switzerland

15 Rue Danielle Casanova, 75001 Paris, France


Source: #WeToo





