TCO Certified quiz reveals what we know about e-waste

TCO Development



STOCKHOLM, Sept. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


"Talking about e-waste is really important to help buyers take a more holistic

approach to their electronic goods", says Gabriella Mellstrand, Marketing and

Communication Director at TCO Development.


October 14th is International E-waste Day, an initiative aimed at reducing the

burden that e-waste places on the environment and saving natural resources. To

support educational and public awareness activities linked to the initiative,

TCO Development [ ]launched an e-waste quiz.


With almost 2000 people taking the quiz, these are some of the findings!

18% believe that the growing amount of e-waste is mainly due to the fact that

people have finally started recycling.


In fact, the increased e-waste volumes is mainly fuelled by higher consumption

rates of electronics, short life cycles, and few repair options.


"The single most important thing you can do for the environment, both in terms

of e-waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, is keeping IT products in use

longer. For example, adding two years to a notebook's life can cut total

emissions by up to 30 percent." Gabriella Mellstrand continues.


95% are aware that e-waste is a risk to human health.


E-waste contains several hazardous substances which risk leaking out into the

natural environment affecting human health if not recycled properly.


Just over half of the respondents answered correctly that the estimated annual

value of raw materials contained in e-waste amounts to EUR 55 billion.


Apart from being a risk to human health and the environment, the current way of

handling e-waste has a negative economic impact. Electronic products contain a

number of scarce, valuable resources that are essential for meeting our future

product needs.


"Be part of the solution. Keep your IT products in circulation for as long as

possible by use, re-use, repair or reselling the product. If none of this is

possible, make sure the product is responsibly recycled," Gabriella Mellstrand



Test your knowledge - take the e-waste quiz []!


Toward sustainable IT products

With over 30 years of experience, TCO Certified [ ]is

the world-leading sustainability certification for IT products. Our

comprehensive criteria are designed to drive social and environmental

responsibility throughout the product life cycle. Covering 11 product

categories including displays, computers and mobile devices, compliance is

independently verified, both pre and post certification.



Gabriella Mellstrand

+46 (0)706 358 351


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Source: TCO Development





