Reversing Asia Pacific's biodiversity and nature loss crisis could result in US$4.3 trillion worth of nature-positive business opportunities




SINGAPORE, Sept. 29, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


-A new study by AlphaBeta, Temasek and the World Economic Forum estimates that

63 percent of Asia Pacific's GDP, US$19.5 trillion, is threatened by

biodiversity and nature loss

-It also identifies 59 nature-positive business opportunities that can unlock

US$4.3 trillion in business value and create 232 million jobs annually in Asia

Pacific by 2030


Asia Pacific, a region rich in endemic biodiversity found nowhere else in the

world, is at the heart of the biodiversity and nature loss crisis. It contains

the world's largest concentration of hotspots with natural capital

depletion[1], and under business-as-usual, up to 42 percent of all species in

Southeast Asia could be lost, half of which would be global extinctions[2].

Systemic transitions are needed to enable a sustainable future for Asia

Pacific, and innovative solutions can unlock the investment required to reset

our relationship with the planet.


These are among the findings of a new report by AlphaBeta, Temasek, and the

World Economic Forum, 'New Nature Economy: Asia's Next Wave', launched today at

Ecosperity Week 2021. The report makes the business case for nature-positive

solutions in the region by exploring the risks, opportunities and financing

needed for a nature-positive economy.


Threats to nature are threats to business


Three major socioeconomic systems in Asia Pacific pose the biggest threat to

nature but also present the largest opportunities for nature-positive economic

growth. Together, the value of these opportunities, US$4.3 trillion, is

equivalent to 14 percent of Asia Pacific's GDP in 2019:


-Business-as-usual practices in our food, land and ocean use system are

unsustainable. Changing both the way we farm and fish and the quantity of food

and clothes we consume is imperative, given the challenges in sustaining the

region's population, which is projected to grow to 5.5 billion by 2050[3].


We need to "spare" nature – by increasing the amount of land and water left

undisturbed to allow natural ecosystems to thrive – and "share" space with

nature – by ensuring that working land and water is more hospitable to

biodiversity. Achieving this two-fold objective will require implementing and

scaling 28 business opportunities that could create over US$1.6 trillion in

business value and around 118 million jobs.



-Urbanisation has fuelled the rapid and often unplanned expansion of the

infrastructure and built environment, which has led to substantial negative

impacts on both nature and humanity. Asia is now home to 99 of the top 100

cities facing the largest environmental risks[4], and as urbanisation continues

to intensify, the built environment's contribution to biodiversity and nature

loss will only continue to grow if left unchecked.


The built environment will need to be more hospitable to nature and wildlife,

while reversing its negative impact on the surrounding natural environment.

Achieving this requires implementing and scaling 16 business opportunities that

could create over US$1.2 trillion in business value and around 65 million new




-While the energy and extractives system has been a key driver of the region's

growth, energy, electricity, and industry together account for 79 percent of

Asia Pacific's greenhouse gas emissions. Providing reliable access to energy

while achieving decarbonisation targets in the region will be a significant

challenge and meeting the needs of the region within the means of our planet

will require the entire energy and extractives system to be radically revisited.


We need to improve consumption efficiency to reduce the amount of resources we

need to extract, improve how we extract those resources to minimise impact on

ecosystems, and shift to more renewable energy while not causing further harm

to ecosystems. Achieving these will require implementing and scaling 15

business opportunities that could create over US$1.4 trillion in business value

and around 49 million new jobs.  



In total, unlocking the 59 nature-positive business opportunities across these

three systems will require an annual investment of US$1.1 trillion. While

substantial, this is a fraction of the US$31.1 trillion announced by the Asian

Development Bank's 45 member countries to combat the COVID-19 pandemic[5].


"We must halve carbon emissions and begin to reverse nature loss by 2030 to

avoid catastrophic consequences, and this can be achieved with new business

models that are economically self-sustaining and resilient," said Dr Steve

Howard, Chief Sustainability Officer at Temasek. "The business and investment

communities must work together with governments and civil society, and together

we can unlock the financing to help drive growth that delivers for people and

the planet and the economy."


Innovation and collaboration needed to catalyse investments for a

nature-positive transition


In an exclusive survey conducted for the report, investors and business leaders

across Asia Pacific identified key challenges to overcome in the pursuit of

nature-positive business models. These barriers can be broadly categorised into

four areas: regulatory challenges, market barriers, information gaps, and the

lack of supportive enablers for investment.


To overcome these barriers, business and community leaders proposed a range of

innovative solutions to galvanise the investment required in the coming decade.

The top three suggestions include:


-New externality pricing models to capture the true cost of natural capital and

environmental externalities;

-Harmonised biodiversity reporting standards to ensure accountability towards

biodiversity goals; and

-New financial products and mechanisms, such as blended finance models as well

as regulations to enforce compliance with existing and future environmental



More research and development, as well as greater public-private dialogue, will

be critical to creating an enabling environment for investment in a

nature-positive economy.


"The COVID-19 pandemic has been the much-needed system shock forcing us to

rethink humanity's relationship with nature. To recover towards a resilient

future, we must suitably allocate our investment into protection, restoration

and sustainable management of natural capital and valuing ecosystem services",

said Akanksha Khatri, Head of Nature Action Agenda at the World Economic Forum.

"Our research and engagement with governments, the private sector, investors,

and civil society underscores the need to create new collaborative pathways for

a nature-positive economy".


"Biodiversity and nature loss is a core concern for businesses across the Asia

Pacific region, and all available evidence indicates that business-as-usual is

no longer an option", noted Dr. Fraser Thompson, Founder and Managing Director

of AlphaBeta. "The good news is that this report demonstrates that there is a

pathway for businesses that can not only strengthen the resilience of their

operations and actively contribute back to nature, but also create major new

growth opportunities. Multistakeholder action between businesses, government,

and civil society in Asia Pacific can unlock these nature-positive



The report by AlphaBeta, the World Economic Forum and Temasek can be downloaded



About AlphaBeta


AlphaBeta is a strategy and economic advisory business serving clients across

the world from its headquarters in Singapore.


About Temasek


Temasek is an investment company with a net portfolio value of S$381 billion

(US$283b) as at 31 March 2021. Our Charter roles as an investor, institution

and steward shape our investment stance, ethos and philosophy, to do well, do

right and do good. We actively seek sustainable solutions to address present

and future challenges, as we capture investment and other opportunities that

help to bring about a better, smarter and more sustainable world. Headquartered

in Singapore, Temasek has 13 offices around the world. For more information on

Temasek, please visit


About World Economic Forum


The World Economic Forum, committed to improving the state of the world, is the

International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation. The Forum engages

the foremost political, business and other leaders of society to shape global,

regional and industry agendas. (














SOURCE Temasek


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   Caption: Temasek and Ecosperity Week 2021 Logos





