CGTN 'Media Challengers' finals conclude, attracting global Gen Z




BEIJING, Sept. 30, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


CGTN's global recruitment campaign "The Media Challengers" held its finals on

Tuesday in the city of Sanya, south China's Hainan Province. Altogether 24

finalists, including remote overseas candidates, gathered to participate in

live competitions and the most important event of the contest: the final



The members of four teams, which respectively headed to the cities of Shanghai,

Wuhan, Xi'an, as well as the Puzhehei scenic area in Yunnan Province for the

reality show competition, displayed a multitude of media skills in the



In the finals, the candidates not only presented their fine video works, but

also battled in several "final challenges," including a speaking challenge, a

debate, and a teleprompter challenge, during which their team spirit and

personal abilities were well demonstrated.


Four experienced judges and eight media reviewers sat on a panel and gave

points to each team, while an online jury composed of the world's top 200

finalists also attended. In addition, 60 online participants from all over the

world were in attendance, cheering for the finalists, and at the same time

streaming the events to all corners of the world in real time. Group awards and

individual awards were also distributed as the final showdown came to a

successful close.


The Media Challengers event was not only a window for young Chinese media

professionals to tell the world about Chinese stories and convey Chinese

culture, but also build a platform for aspiring young people around the world

to display their talents, chase their dreams, and acquire a deeper

understanding of China. Media Challengers from all over the world presented

what "Gen Z" think, say, and feel.


Since its official launch on April 8, 2021, the campaign for global host

reporters and influencers has attracted many new media professionals,

influencers and opinion leaders from more than 130 countries and regions. Some

860 mainstream overseas online media from 60 countries and regions, including

the U.S., the UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, Italy, Japan, and South Korea,

have covered this event.






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   Caption: CGTN 'Media Challengers' finals conclude, attracting global Gen Z





