Expo 2020 Dubai: UBTECH Panda Robot turns heads at China Pavilion




SHENZHEN, China, Oct. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Expo 2020 Dubai, the first world expo since the outbreak of the COVID-19

pandemic, and the first expo of its kind held in the Middle East, has

officially opened on October 1st. With exhibitors from 192 countries, the Expo

is expected to attract 25 million visitors over six months.


During the event, UBTECH's proprietary Panda Robot and Walker X, the large

humanoid service robots, made their official appearance at the China Pavilion,

one of the event's largest exhibition structures on the expo site. The pavilion

is called "The Light of China", which symbolizes reunion and hope. Both Panda

Robot and Walker X's presence at the pavilion demonstrate the latest

achievements in China's intelligent manufacturing and technological innovation

on the world stage, as well as the country's significant advances in the field

of AI.


As the only Official Partner of AI Robotics for the China Pavilion at Expo 2020

Dubai, UBTECH Panda Robot and Walker X are providing on-site intelligent

services in several scenarios.


Created exclusively for the event in the image of China's iconic national

animal, UBTECH Panda Robot incorporated technologies based on the humanoid

service robot Walker. The friendly Panda Robot serves as an Ambassador of Peace

and Friendship for the China Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai, encouraging guests to

take photos, shoot videos, and interact with it.


With 41 "joints", UBTECH Panda Robot can perform Tai Chi, demonstrate its

expertise at Chinese calligraphy as well as other traditional Chinese arts and

practices. The robot serves as an entry point to provide information on smart

cities, agriculture techniques and environmentally friendly practices that the

entire country of China leads with the way in.


According to China Trade News, Larry Ng, Commissioner-General of the Singapore

Pavilion, said that he was deeply touched to meet UBTECH Panda Robot, as

Jiajia, a giant panda in Singapore, recently gave birth to her cub.


Entering the Exploration and Discovery exhibits, the popular "Intelligent

Guide" Walker X robot skillfully introduced guests to the overall vision and

technological achievements that China has achieved in space exploration, such

as the China Space Station, Chang'e-5 Mission, Tianwen 1 Interplanetary Mission

and BeiDou Satellite Network.


This Exploration and Discovery tour drew significant attention among attendees,

including Carolina Peguero, the director of the Dominican Republic Pavilion,

who remarked that "China has made great achievements in space exploration." The

director also added that he looked forward to China actively sharing experience

with other countries.


Beyond robotics, China's Artificial Intelligence are helping to prevent further

spread of COVID-19 and to assist in the recovery of industrial production as

well as that of normal life. In 2021, UBTECH's UV disinfection robot ADIBOT has

been deployed in various locations worldwide, including, Business Centers in

Netherlands,  COVID hospitals in Japan, and a quarantine hotel in China.


UBTECH also supports AI education in over 40 countries across 6 continents. The

company has provided AI-driven and robot-assisted education programs to more

than 3,000 schools in China, making it the world's largest provider of AI and

robotics education solutions that integrate software and hardware.


UBTECH is always exploring further product applications in education,

entertainment, logistics and other verticals, with the goal of tackling key

social challenges while meeting major social needs. As it expands its global

footprint, the company is fully committed to serving the world with

cutting-edge technologies and helping to build a better, shared future for all

of mankind.





Image Attachments Links:


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=402882


   Caption: UBTECH Panda Robot posing in front of the China Pavilion (Photo by China

Council for the Promotion of International Trade)


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=402884


   Caption: Group photo of visitors posing with UBTECH Panda Robot (Photo by China Council

for the Promotion of International Trade)


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=402885


   Caption: Commissioner-General of the Singapore Pavilion shakes hands with UBTECH Panda

Robot (Photo by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)


   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=402886


   Caption: Walker X gives a guided tour in the Exploration and Discovery area of the China

Pavilion (Photo by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade)






