Nippon Express (Shanghai) Launches "Kansai Special Rapid Service" Using High-speed Ferries

from Shanghai to Osaka/Kobe

TOKYO, Oct. 8, 2021 /Kyodo JBN/ --

Nippon Express Co., Ltd.

- BCP-compatible Solution to Temporary Suspension/Reduction of Flights from Shanghai -


Nippon Express (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “NE Shanghai”), a local subsidiary of Nippon Express Co., Ltd., has launched an in-house consolidated service -- “Kansai Special Rapid Service” -- using extremely reliable high-speed ferries from Shanghai to Osaka/Kobe, with the first departure being Saturday, September 18.






Background to service development

The increasingly strict biosecurity measures imposed at Shanghai Pudong Airport have resulted in a continual string of flight cancellations by airlines, make it difficult to rely on air transport, while congestion at Shanghai Port has put container vessels considerably behind schedule. These circumstances have given rise to greater need for LCL (small-lot consolidation) services offering speed and punctuality, and Nippon Express developed the “Kansai Special Rapid Service” in-house consolidated service as a BCP-compatible solution that uses high-speed ferries to transport cargo from the Shanghai CFS to the Osaka CFS/Kobe CFS in five days.


Service overview

- Name: Kansai Special Rapid Service

- Frequency: Departures twice weekly (using the ferries Xinjianzhen and Suzhouhao)

- Service type: Consolidated cargo transport (LCL service with in-house consolidation)


Service features

- Speed: Transport from Shanghai CFS to Osaka CFS/Kobe CFS in as short as 5 days

- Punctuality: Service operates on reliable schedule using high-speed ferries

- High quality: Safe and high-quality transport services provided seamlessly by Nippon Express Group

* The ferries Xinjianzhen and Suzhouhao alternate between Osaka and Kobe every other week, with service provided to the Osaka CFS for Osaka arrivals and the Kobe CFS for Kobe arrivals.


Departure/arrival CFS

- Shanghai CFS:

Gangcheng Road Logistics Center, Nippon Express (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

1728 Gangcheng Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai

- Osaka CFS:

Nanko International Logistics Center, Osaka International Transport Branch, Nippon Express Co., Ltd.

Nankonaka 8-7-21(L-7), Suminoe-ku, Osaka

- Kobe CFS:

Kobe Branch Port Island Office, Nippon Express Co., Ltd.

Minatojima 4-3 (L-2), Chuo-ku, Kobe


Nippon Express website:


Official LinkedIn account: NIPPON EXPRESS GROUP



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