endpoint and Berlinger Collaborate to Provide Complete Visibility of the Historical Temperature Journey of an IMP

endpoint Clinical





-- Fully integrated solution: Turn a 25-day manual temperature-monitoring data

evaluation into instant decision making


endpoint Clinical (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=3314794-1&h=2358724327&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.endpointclinical.com%2Firt-solution%2F&a=endpoint+Clinical), the leader in global interactive response

technology (IRT(R)) for clinical trials, and Berlinger & Co. AG (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=3314794-1&h=3294264099&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.berlinger.com%2Fusa%2F&a=Berlinger+%26+Co.+AG%2C), specializing in the production of innovative and customized solutions for

monitoring temperature-sensitive goods in the pharmaceutical and medical

industry, have announced their partnership to provide complete end to end

visibility of the entire temperature history of an Investigational Medicinal

Product (IMP).


Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1654012/endpoint_Logo.jpg


"Over the last several years, the cold chain logistics market for clinical

trials has shown a growth of about 10%. This is largely related to the

increasing number of biologicals and monoclonal antibodies that are under

study. Therefore, cold chain failure in clinical trials has an increasing

impact," says Dr. Harald van Weeren (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=3314794-1&h=4112669640&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fharald-van-weeren-b574524%2F&a=Harald+van+Weeren), Segment Manager Clinical Trials at Berlinger.


Our organizations understand the risks of managing temperature-controlled IMP,

and therefore, we focused on designing a solution to help reduce risk and

eliminate the core issues. Such problems include limited transparency and

missing information, the lack of immediate centralized visibility,

time-consuming excursion management and slow decision making, time-consuming

data consolidation for audits, wastage of drugs, and patient rescheduling or



Through this partnership, endpoint and Berlinger can provide Sponsors with a

fully integrated solution, taking a 25-day manual temperature-monitoring data

evaluation and turning it into instant decision making. This drastically

reduces costs up to 7-digit figures and improves patient safety, allowing for

fast decision-making through complete visibility of the temperature history.  


Sponsors and sites will reap immediate benefits through this sophisticated

technology integration in a variety of areas:


   -- Education: Less instruction needed for the site users

   -- Handling: A reduction in admin time, manual handling, and associated


   -- Excursion Management: Reduce the risk for dispensing drugs affected by a

      temperature deviation

   -- Patient: Reduce failed patient visits and increase patient safety

   -- Audit: All of the temperature data available in one system for easy


   -- Drugs: Reduce waste of trial products


"Patient safety has always been a high priority for endpoint.  As cold chain

logistics become increasingly important due to the ever-growing number of

studies that work with biologics, we understand how vital it is to maintain the

chain of custody. This ensures that IMP does not go outside of agreed

temperature ranges for that product. We are happy to be partnering with

Berlinger on an integration providing a seamless solution for both the sponsor

and site," says Jeff Rubesin (https://c212.net/c/link/?t=0&l=en&o=3314794-1&h=4061748291&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.linkedin.com%2Fin%2Fjeff-rubesin-618831b%2F&a=Jeff+Rubesin), Senior Director, Product Strategy at endpoint Clinical.


About endpoint

endpoint is an interactive response technology (IRT(R)) systems and solutions

provider that supports the life sciences industry.  For the past decade, their

customer-obsessed team of professionals has been continuously evolving their

suite of technologies to help Sponsors achieve clinical trial success.  Their

dynamic IRT solution, PULSE(R), for patient randomization and management, site

management, and drug supply management and leading-edge clinical supplies

management tool, DRIVE, has proven to maximize the supply chain and minimize

operational costs, and ensure timely and accurate patient dosing. endpoint is

headquartered in San Francisco, California, with offices across the US, EU, and

Asia. www.endpointclinical.com


About Berlinger

Berlinger is a traditional and independent Swiss and family-owned company that

is specialized in the production of innovative and customized solutions for

monitoring temperature-sensitive goods in the pharmaceutical and medical

industry as well as for doping control equipment to ensure safe transportation

and storage of urine and blood samples in the sports industry.


Established in 1865 as a weaving manufacturer, Berlinger has developed its

business over the years and has become a world-leading manufacturer of Doping

Control Equipment and is among the top three leaders in the market of

temperature monitoring solutions.


Visit https://www.berlinger.com/usa/ to learn more.



Monica Holt  

Marketing Communications Manager  

endpoint Clinical  

e: mholt@endpointclinical.com


Barbara Hoefelmayr

Marketing Manager  


+41 71 982 86 02

e: barbara.hoefelmayr@berlinger.com


SOURCE: endpoint Clinical





