Let's Flap Your Wings with Hokusai Birds: Ukiyo-e exhibition "The Hokusai Bird Park", Mar 14-May 21

TOKYO, The Sumida Hokusai Museum

Hello Bird Lovers! You can fly on the wings of Hokusai’s birds to savor the delightful world that birds and human beings weave together, " The Hokusai Bird Park " in The Sumida Hokusai Museum Exhibition.


This exhibition provides an opportunity to appreciate the many birds that Hokusai and his students depicted and the avian designs they created. Imagine yourself in a bird park as you experience close at hand these creatures’ beauty and the superb artistry deployed in creating these works.


Bird lovers abound today. And the roots of the Japanese love of birds run deep: bird-shaped ceramics have been discovered dating from the Jōmon period (11,000 to 400 BCE)! When the Manyōshū, Japan’s first poetry anthology, was being compiled in the seventh and eighth centuries, birds were used to communicate both seasons and emotions. Hokusai himself continued that tradition, creating many works that depict birds. 


The Hokusai Bird Park


Term: March 14 - May 21, 2023

           First term: March 14 - April 16 / Second term: April 18 - May 21 

           *Some exhibits will be changed during the exhibition period..

Open: Tuesday - Sunday 9:30-17:30(Last admission 17:00)

Closed: Mondays

Organizers: Sumida City, The Sumida Hokusai Museum

Official Exhibition Website: https://hokusai-museum.jp/BirdParkEN/



▶ Details are separately attached.

・ Press release



The Sumida Hokusai Museum


▶ About Katsushika Hokusai 



▶ About Museum

Official website: https://hokusai-museum.jp/?lang=en


▶ Request of Visitors Cooperation COVID-19 Infection Prevention





The Hokusai Bird Park_The Sumida Hokusai Museum

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