Xinhua Silk Road: Peony viewing launching ceremony of 40th Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang starts in C. China's Henan

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, April 3, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


The peony viewing launching ceremony of the 40th Peony Culture Festival of

Luoyang, China, kicked off on April 1 in Luoyang, central China's Henan

Province, a city with a 1,500-year history of cultivating peonies.





The ceremony was a grand feast featured by a 3D light projection show and

various emerging technologies, which provided audience with immersive

experience. With a main stage and four sub-stages, performances of various

types including songs and dances, Chinese operas, and intangible cultural

heritage folklore performance were integrated into the ceremony to showcase

Luoyang's cultural characteristics, historical charm, and modernity.


It is learned that this year's peony culture festival will be held from April 8

to 23, while the peony viewing period begins on April 1 and ends on May 5.


During the peony culture festival, well-designed activities featuring immersive

experience, tourism, and new technology will be held to boost Luoyang's

popularity among tourists, promote the in-depth integration of the culture and

tourism industries and boost consumption in new forms and new scenarios.


Peony flowers in Luoyang have ushered in blossoming season, both in the wild

and in the peony gardens. Besides, it is learned that with advanced cultivation

technologies, people can appreciate peony blossom in the whole year.


As a name card for Luoyang, the peony culture festival has been hosted by the

city since 1983.


Xinhua Silk Road:


Source: Xinhua Silk Road


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   Caption: Photo taken on April 1, 2023 shows the dance performance at the peony viewing

launching ceremony of the 40th Peony Culture Festival of Luoyang, China, held

in Luoyang, central China's Henan Province.






