Continuous Innovation in IP Domain, Boost Carrier's New Growth




PARIS, April 20, 2023 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


During the 2023 MPLS SD & AI Net World Congress, Huawei's technology summit

themed "Continuous Innovation in IP Domain, Boost New Growth" was successfully

held at the Paris Exhibition Center in Paris. This summit discussed the target

network architecture, protocol evolution, and automation technologies in the

hope of helping carriers build converged IP networks to improve efficiency and

introduced digital managed network solutions and architecture, which are

intended to help carriers transform from ISPs to MSPs and drive new growth of

B2B services.


According to the industry development trend, Omdia senior analyst Sameer Malik

pointed out that with the large-scale deployment of 5G and gigabit home

broadband around the world and the acceleration of industry digital

transformation, carriers' IP transport networks need to not only increase

bandwidth, but also provide intelligent connections to transport multiple

services with differentiated SLA assurance. This, together with network

advantages, will allow carriers to expand B2B services.


In terms of the network architecture, Gu Rui, Vice President of Huawei Data

Communication Product Line, elaborated on the future-oriented IP target network

architecture. He explained that this architecture features ultra-broadband,

full service transport, high automation, one-stop services, and green design.

Technologies such as Wi-Fi 7, 800GE, and orthogonal architecture help build

ultra-broadband infrastructure networks to meet requirements for ultimate user

experience. An all-in-one hardware platform and network slicing meet the

requirements of converged transport and provide differentiated SLA assurance.

High automation is enabled based on SRv6 and network digital map. It provides

one-stop services for B2B customers based on carriers' IP private lines with

digital managed network. In addition, energy-saving and emission-reduction

innovations at the equipment, network, and operational levels help build green

IP networks and guarantee sustainable network development.


In terms of protocol evolution, Huawei's Chief IP Protocol Expert Robin Li said

SRv6 is one of the best protocols for IP network evolution. SRv6 standards and

technologies are becoming increasingly mature. More than 160 networks have been

deployed with SRv6 globally, and deployments are ramping up. Carsten

Rossenhövel, co-founder and CTO of the European Advanced Networking Test Center

(EANTC), introduced the results of the SRv6 multi-vendor interoperability test

in 2023. A total of eight mainstream vendors participated in the test,

including Huawei. SRv6 test cases cover all scenarios, including basic routing

protocols, SRv6 Policy, header compression, reliability, and OAM. In the past

six years, more and more vendors have participated in SRv6 interoperability

tests, and application scenarios have been fully verified.


In terms of automation, IETF Internet Architecture Board member Wu Qin said

that the era of autonomous networks (ANs) has come. AN technologies are

developing toward network programmability and openness, service

definition-implementation decoupling, network digitalization, intelligent

management, and other key directions. Telemetry-based network digital map

provides network visualization from dimensions such as infrastructure,

networks, slices, routes, services, and applications. It also enables

configuration intent simulation verification and traffic optimization. This

helps carriers better manage physical networks with digital capabilities.


For carriers' B2B services, Wen Huizhi, Chief Solution Architect of Huawei Data

Communication Production Line, shed light on the architecture design and

solutions for digital managed network services. Carriers need to design in five

domains, including physical networks, user networks, O&M, security, and

services, and provide NaaS capabilities to meet differentiated assurance,

cross-domain collaboration, all-scenario protection, and tenant-level O&M



Finally, Zuo Meng, Vice President of Huawei's Data Communications Product Line,

said Huawei is ready to work with carriers and industry partners to promote the

evolution of target IP networks, build better converged ultra-broadband IP

networks, explore new scenarios, services, and business models, and accelerate

industry digital transformation, thereby helping customers achieve business

success and drive new growth.


SOURCE: Huawei


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Zuo Meng, Vice President of Huawei's Data Communications Product Line





