The 2023 World Coastal Forum will be held in Yancheng, Jiangsu on September 25-27

The Information Office of Yancheng Municipal People's Government



YANCHENG, China, Sept. 7, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


The 2023 World Coastal Forum will be held in Yancheng from September 25 to 27,

aiming to create a global cooperation platform in the field of coastal ecology

with clear orientation, diversified participation, strong actions and rich

products, according to the Information Office of Yancheng Municipal People's



The World Coastal Forum originated from the Yellow (Bo) Sea Wetland

International Conference, which has been held for four consecutive sessions in

Yancheng. With the theme of "Our Coasts: Green and Low-carbon Development", the

conference will hold four themed forums and more than 10 special seminars.


Yancheng has the largest coastal wetland on the west coast of the Pacific

Ocean, the largest coastal wetland on the edge of the Asian continent, and the

vast lake wetland in the Lixia River area. Yancheng has two international

business cards of "World Natural Heritage" and "International Wetland City". In

recent years, Yancheng has actively practiced the concept of "Lucid waters and

lush mountains are invaluable assets", planted a solid ecological foundation,

and painted a new picture of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature,

providing a copyable and scalable Yancheng Plan for global coastal ecological

protection and restoration. During the continuous protection of rare and

endangered wild animals and plants in the wild, habitat protection and

restoration, Yancheng observed the successful natural reproduction of wild

red-crowned cranes for seven consecutive years. The milu deer population in the

protection area reached 7,840, including 3,356 in the wild.


The current Yancheng is deeply participating in international ecological

governance dialogue and cooperation, advocating and building an ecological

economic circle around the Yellow Sea, and carrying out pragmatic cooperation

in ecological mutual learning and economic integration. From assisting the

protection of migratory birds, to holding the World Coastal Forum, to promoting

the application of the Yellow (Bo) Sea region for World Natural Heritage, and

preparing for the establishment of the World Coastal Wetland Cities Alliance,

Yancheng actively builds an exchange and cooperation platform for coastal

wetland cities around the world, creating an "ecological environment" "Circle

of friends", gathering global wisdom, conspiring with poetry and distance.


Source: The Information Office of Yancheng Municipal People's Government




