The Second Hunan Tourism Development Conference Kicked Off in Chenzhou

The Publicity Department of Chenzhou Municipality



CHENZHOU, China, Sept. 18, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


From September 15 to 17, the second Hunan Tourism Development Conference (the

"Conference") was held in Chenzhou City. The Conference consisted of 3 main

activities, namely observation of key cultural and tourism projects, opening

ceremony and cultural tourism promotion meeting, and tourism industry

development promotion meeting, as well as the second Hunan Intangible Cultural

Heritage Expo, 2023 Hunan Cultural Tourism Industry Expo, and other supporting



Chenzhou, the "southern gate" of Hunan Province, is adjacent to the Greater Bay

Area. It is linked to the Area by rivers and mountains, cultural bond and

economic integration. Among the top 6 of "the 20 most popular scenic spots in

Hunan by tourists from the Greater Bay Area", 4 sit in Chenzhou. The misty

Xiaodong River, the Yangtian Lake Prairie known for the sea of clouds and

sunrise, the "half a quilt" story happening in Shazhou Village, Rucheng, etc.,

according to the Publicity Department of Chenzhou Municipality.


This year has seen the city launch 28 key cultural and tourism projects and 93

sub-projects, with planned annual investment up to 11.156 billion yuan.

Chenzhou is working hard on in-depth cooperation and exchanges with the Greater

Bay Area on cultural tourism, to jointly promote common prosperity and

high-quality development of the cultural tourism industry of the two provinces.


The three-day Conference attracted many citizens and tourists. According to

statistics, during the three days, retail transaction of on-site tourism

projects reached 51 million yuan, the total transaction of the 3 on-site theme

ordering meetings was 395 million yuan, and the intended contract transaction

was 150 million yuan.


Source: The Publicity Department of Chenzhou Municipality


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   Caption: The Second Hunan Tourism Development Conference kicked off in Chenzhou.





