The 2023 Nanjing Peace Forum: Promoting Sustainable Development, Youth in Action

Nanjing Peace Forum



NANJING, China, Sept. 22, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


From September 19 to 20, the 2023 Nanjing Peace Forum, jointly organized by the

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the

National Committee of UNESCO of China, the Information Office of Jiangsu

Provincial People's Government and Nanjing Municipal People's Government, took

place in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China. Representatives from international

organizations, experts and scholars from various fields, representatives from

businesses and non-profit organizations, as well as young practitioners

dedicated to the pursuit of peace, gathered to exchange ideas and experiences,

promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, contribute to peace and

sustainable development, and engage in discussions on building a community of

shared future for mankind.


Since 2020, the Nanjing Peace Forum has been held for three sessions. Focusing

on peace and sustainable development, the forum has established a global

platform for young people to create and share together, engage in collective

action to practice and promote Chinese philosophies, and has developed rich

solutions and narratives within the "Chinese discourse" and "Chinese

narratives". It has received widespread attention from the international

community. With the theme of "Jointly Promoting Peaceful Development and

Sharing the Fruits of Civilization - Youth in Action", this forum will

contribute wisdom and strength to safeguarding world peace and promoting common



During the forum, young people from different countries and regions, drawing

from their own experiences and practices, voiced their aspirations for peace

and sought collective action.


Dr. Wu Xiaomai, McGill University's recent graduate, who holds a Ph.D. in

Neuroscience, shared her experience of an immersive 8-day research expedition.

The group developed five action plans related to sustainable development in

Nanjing and international peace city construction.


A young representative from Pakistan, Zoon Ahmed Khan of the "Z Generation",

shared the significant changes brought to her hometown by the China-Pakistan

Economic Corridor. She mentioned the astonishing synergies and vitality created

by the Belt and Road Initiative.


The event also highlighted the power of art in promoting peace, warmth, and

healing with performances during the opening ceremony, further advancing

cultural exchange and cross-cultural understanding.


Throughout the event, 2023 The 10th Anniversary of the National Initiative of

Building One Belt and One Road Media Think Tank and Youth Dialogue Activity,

2023 The "Wonderful China Touch Nanjing" Visiting Program will also be held



Source: Nanjing Peace Forum




