Wonderful Activities on Bulgaria Jiangxi Day Attracted Locals to Attend

Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

PR 100367


NANCHANG, China, Sept. 26, 2023 /Xinhua/--


Recently, the event "Jiangxi Day" was held at the China Cultural Center in

Sofia, capital of Bulgaria. This event was held by Jiangxi Provincial

Department of Culture and Tourism with "a moment to share" and "Jiangxi unique

scenery" as the theme. Activities with Jiangxi characteristics such as a photo

exhibition, an exhibition of porcelain products made in Jingdezhen City,

traditional Gan opera and Chinese tea ceremony offered rich experiences of

cultural exchange to representatives and locals.


Accompanied by the performance of classical Jiangxi folk songs, traditional Gan

opera and Bulgarian songs, the event "Jiangxi Day" kicked off in Bulgaria. A

variety of activities including a photo exhibition, live experience and

cultural exchange helped Bulgarians learn more about the opening-up and

development, beautiful scenery as well as characterized culture in Jiangxi and

promoted communication between the two places.


Ye Jianchun, governor of Jiangxi Province, said that since Jiangxi and Sofia

District officially established a twinning relation in December 2020, the

cooperation and exchanges between them continued to expand, and the friendship

between the peoples continued to deepen. He hoped that the event would further

enhance friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two sides.


During the event, a memorandum was signed between Sofia District and Jiangxi

Province, affirming to make use of their advantages and deepen economic, trade,

agricultural, cultural and tourism cooperation between the two sides.


Source: Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: https://iop.asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=442449


   Caption: Representatives and locals were visiting a photo exhibition to view scenery and

learn about culture in Jiangxi.


   Link: https://iop.asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=442459


   Caption: Director general of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism Mei Yi

presided over the event.


   Link: https://iop.asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=442460


   Caption: Traditional Gan opera performance and Bulgarian song performance




