◎「失敗の技術」を学べ ハルト校でエアアジアX創業者が講演
◎「失敗の技術」を学べ ハルト校でエアアジアX創業者が講演
AsiaNet 49101
☆共JBN 外0555(産業、教育)(12・4・25)
◎「失敗の技術」を学べ ハルト校でエアアジアX創業者が講演
【上海25日PRN=共同JBN】エアアジアX社のアズラン・オスマン=ラニ最高経営責任者(CEO)はこのほど、ハルト・インターナショナル・ビジネススクール(Hult International Business School)での講演で、学生たちに「失敗の技術(アート・オブ・メイキング・ミステークス)」を学べと語りかけた。この技術こそエアアジアXが会社創設からわずか4年で年間収入6億米ドルを実現するのに役立ったものだが、今年40歳のCEOは、ハルト上海キャンパスでの「エクスクルーシブ・スピーカー・シリーズ」でこう語り、向こう5年以内に会社を10億ドル企業にしていく計画を公表した。
▽ハルト・インターナショナル・ビジネススクール(Hult International Business School)について
AirAsia X CEO Tells Hult Students "Innovate and Embrace Your Mistakes"
SHANGHAI, Apr. 24, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --
Speaking at Hult International Business School, Azran Osman-Rani, CEO of
AirAsia X, told students to learn "the art of making mistakes". An art which
helped AirAsia X to annual revenues of US$600 million just four years after the
company began. The 40-year-old CEO spoke at Hult's Executive Speaker Series in
Shanghai, where he revealed his plan to make AirAsia X a US$1 billion business
within the next five years.
Experts had dismissed AirAsia X's dream of a low-cost long-haul airline as
impossible, but this did not put off Osman-Rani - "Just because everyone else
says it cannot be done doesn't mean that they're all right". Emphasizing the
need for innovation to an audience of MBA students, he explained how being an
industry outsider helped him spot what the experts had missed - that most
modern air travelers are more concerned with flight prices than flight times.
AirAsia X successfully competed against the world's major airlines by flying
aircrafts 40% more often and removing the Executive Class to make room for 30%
more standard class seats. It was now "simple maths", said Osman-Rani modestly.
Beginning with a single aircraft and a unique insight, AirAsia X demonstrated
to multinational companies that flying low-cost long-haul at a profit was not
The CEO explained how innovation was key to AirAsia X's success and that there
was an art to making mistakes which was vital in facilitating that. "People and
organizations tend to be risk-averse," he explained. "The key difference [...]
is how you deal with [...] things that you do wrong. [We] accept it, embrace
it, and move on."
About Hult International Business School
Hult is the world's most international business school with campuses in Boston,
San Francisco, London, Dubai, and Shanghai. The School offers a range of
business-focused programs including MBA, Executive MBA, Master and
Undergraduate degrees. Hult's one-year MBA program is ranked in the top 30 in
the world by The Economist and among the top 100 by the Financial Times.
SOURCE Hult International Business School