◎ウェブTVの上級版を発売 ティスカリ社のストリーマゴ
◎ウェブTVの上級版を発売 ティスカリ社のストリーマゴ
AsiaNet 49128
☆共JBN 外0567(産業、ウェブテレビ)(12・4・26)
◎ウェブTVの上級版を発売 ティスカリ社のストリーマゴ
【カリアリ(イタリア)26日PRN=共同JBN】イタリアの大手テレコミュニケーション企業、ティスカリ社(Tiscali、http://www.tiscali.it)は26日、無料版の成功を受けてライブ、リニア、オンデマンドテレビを統合する新たなプロフェッショナル・ライブウェブ放送サービス「ストリーマゴ・プレミアム(Streamago Premium)」をリリースした。
このような無料版ストリーマゴ(Stremago Free)の簡便性と即時性全体がプロユーザーも利用できるため、プロスタジオ、中小企業、大企業いずれのニーズにも応えるサービスになっている。
Streamago Premium is Born
CAGLIARI, Italy, Apr. 26/ PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
- The new, professional, live and on-demand, total HD quality, web-TV service
Today Tiscali [http://www.tiscali.it ] , one of Italy's leading
telecommunications companies, following the success of its free version,
introduced its new Streamago Premium professional live web broadcasting service
which integrates live, linear and on-demand television.
Streamago Premium allows professionals and companies of all sizes and sectors
to create their own channel in a simple and interactive way in order to
broadcast their own events and television productions in real-time, worldwide.
Streamago is a platform that allows users to transmit live and recorded
streaming of their broadcasts to any fixed (PC and Mac) or mobile device. The
system is able to automatically store recordings of live events, enhance
playlists and offer them in on-demand video mode.
This way all the ease and immediacy of Streamago Free is now accessible for
professional users, providing a service capable of meeting both the needs of
professional studios, SMEs and large companies.
Below are the main strengths of the service:
HD Quality
The broadcast can be viewed simultaneously by thousands of users, as is the use
of multiple capture devices, whether with cheaper webcams or sophisticated
professional video cameras. Additionally, with Streamago Premium, one can set
the quality of the service by broadcasting HD content up to 1.7Mbps.
Thanks to Streamago Premium it's possible to broadcast live, record and view
videos from any fixed device, iPhone or Android mobile, with the option of
using any encoder compatible with Adobe Flash in the actual live TV production
Customisable player and channels
Its users can be offered a unique viewing experience by completely customising
the interface of its channels and video player.
Full control of the audience
With Streamago Premium access to channels can be controlled simply and
effectively by setting a password or by registering a user via email.
Advanced Reporting
Premium users may benefit from detailed statistics of audience numbers, their
characteristics, geographical location and method of use of the various
Technical specifications, details of the commercial service provided, and other
information is available at http://www.streamago.tv
SOURCE: Tiscali