◎有名人とビデオ電話の機会提供  スカイプがコネクテッド・クラスルーム


◎有名人とビデオ電話の機会提供  スカイプがコネクテッド・クラスルーム

AsiaNet 49305

☆共JBN 外0638(産業、教育)(12・5・11)


◎有名人とビデオ電話の機会提供  スカイプがコネクテッド・クラスルーム

【パロアルト(米カリフォルニア州)11日PRN=共同JBN】スカイプ(http://education.skype.com)は11日、コネクテッド・クラスルーム・スウィープステークス(Connected Classroom Sweepstakes)を開始し、世界中の学校が著名なスティーヴ・ハーヴェイ、ジェームズ・パタースン、ディラン&コール・スプラウス、ジャッキー・コリンズ、ティンセル・コーリー(注参照)ら有名人と一生に一度だけというようなスカイプ・ビデオ電話で対話するチャンスを提供する。このスウィープステークスはクラスルーム・フェイスブック・ページ(http://bit.ly/JtFFvF)でスカイプから生中継され、教室の中でビデオ電話の素晴らしさを体験させて、6月6日(水曜日)にスカイプを経由して顔を突き合わして有名人に会ってもらう素晴らしい機会を生徒たちに与えるよう教師に勧める。

マイクロソフトのスカイプ部門ソーシャル・グッド(Social Good)担当責任者のアンディ・シュミット氏は「スカイプ・ビデオ電話を通じて、われわれは学生と自分たちの物語を共有してもらうことでお返しをしたい有名な俳優、コメディアン、作家と話し合う体験を持ち込むことができる。われわれはスカイプで、共有し合うことで学ぶ体験が教育を大いに強化すると信じている。今回のスウィープステークスは、教室の中でビデオ電話する価値を教師にもっと理解してもらうよう支援し、びっくりするような学習経験をすべての人に提供すべきだというスカイプの信条をさらに示すことを目的としている」と語った。

12年生(3歳の幼稚園児から高校3年生まで)のすべてが申し込みできるようにするため、教師や教育者は無料のオンライン・コミュニティー「スカイプ・イン・ザ・クラスルーム(Skype in the Classroom)」の新しい会員もしくは既存の会員でなければならない。同コミュニティーは。学生たちの体験を豊富にするためスカイプを利用する2万8000人余りの登録済み教師を支援している。








(注)有名人は86400運動(86400 Movement、http://www.86400movement.com)およびオープンエデュトーク(OpenEduTalk、http://openedutalk.com)から提供される。


スカイプは、通信の際に生じる障壁を取り除くことを目的とするコミュニケーション・ソフトウエアである。インターネット接続機器により、家族や友人、同僚は、無料のメッセージング、音声、ビデオ通話によって交流することができる。人々はまた低料金で、事実上世界のどこでも固定電話や携帯電話に電話をかけることができる。スカイプは最近、2人以上のグループがそれぞれ離れた場所にいても、会話や行動できるグループビデオ機能を発表した。スカイプは2003年に創業してルクセンブルグに本拠を置き、マイクロソフト(NASDAQ: MSFT)の事業部門である。スカイプは、コンピューターや携帯電話などの接続機器にwww.skype.comから無料でダウンロードできる。

▽86400運動(86400 Movement)について





 Andrew Schmidt


  Kaplow for Skype

  Jennifer Myers




Skype's New Connected Classroom Sweepstakes Brings Celebrities Virtually To Students


PALO ALTO, Calif., May 11, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

       - Sweepstakes Offers Classrooms Throughout the Globe Opportunity

    to have a Skype Video Call with Steve Harvey, James Patterson, Dylan and

                  Cole Sprouse, Jackie Collins and Tinsel Korey

    Today, Skype [http://education.skype.com ] has launched the Connected

Classroom Sweepstakes, offering schools throughout the world the chance to win

a once in a lifetime Skype video call with well-known celebrities Steve Harvey,

James Patterson, Dylan and Cole Sprouse, Jackie Collins and Tinsel Korey*. This

sweepstakes, which lives on the Skype in the classroom Facebook page

[http://bit.ly/JtFFvF ], encourages more teachers to experience the value of

video calling within the classroom by giving their students an exciting

opportunity to meet a celebrity face-to-face via Skype on Wednesday, June 6.

    "Through Skype video calling, we are able to bring the experience of

speaking to well-known actors, comedians and authors who want to give back by

sharing their story with students," said Andy Schmidt, head of social good of

the Skype Division at Microsoft. "At Skype we believe that shared learning

experiences greatly enhance education. This sweepstakes aims to help more

teachers understand the value of video calling within the classroom and it

further demonstrates Skype's belief that amazing learning experiences should be

available to everyone."

    To be eligible to enter, K-12 students (three to 18 years of age), teachers

or educators must be new or existing members of Skype in the classroom, a free

online community that helps over 28,000 registered teachers use Skype to enrich

experiences for students.

    Here's how teachers can enter on Facebook:

    - 'Like' Skype in the classroom's Facebook page [http://bit.ly/JtFFvF ]

    - Sign up for Skype in the classroom [http://education.skype.com ]

      (if you are not already a registered member)

    - Describe in 150 words or less the ways they currently use or

      would use Skype in their classroom

    Teachers may submit entries starting today on the Skype in the classroom

Facebook page [http://bit.ly/JtFFvF ] until Thursday, May 24 at 11:59 P.M. EDT,

when five winners will be selected at random. Winners will be chosen and

notified on Tuesday, May 29 at 2:00 P.M. EDT via email and will be announced

publicly on Wednesday, May 30 at 9:00 A.M. EDT. The winning celebrity calls

will take place on Wednesday, June 6 between 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. EDT or at the

discretion of the celebrity.

    With more than 28,000 registered teachers and counting, in over 190

countries, Skype in the classroom has enabled hundreds of thousands of students

around the world to take part in valuable shared learning experiences. Skype

offers an immediate way to help students discover new cultures, languages and

ideas, all without leaving the classroom.

    For more information on the Connected Classrooms Sweepstakes, please visit

http://education.skype.com or the Skype in the classroom Facebook page  

[http://bit.ly/JtFFvF ].

    *The celebrities were provided by 86400 movement

[http://www.86400movement.com/site ] and OpenEduTalk [http://openedutalk.com ].

    About Skype:

    Skype is communications software whose purpose is to break down barriers to

communication. With an Internet-connected device, families, friends and

colleagues can get together for free with messaging, voice and video. At low

cost, they can also call landlines or mobiles virtually anywhere in the world.

Skype has recently introduced group video, allowing groups of more than two

people to do things together whenever they're apart. Founded in 2003 and based

in Luxembourg, Skype is a division of Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT). Skype can

be downloaded onto computers, mobile phones and other connected devices for

free at http://www.skype.com.

    About 86400 Movement:

    The 86400 movement created and oversees a free speakers bureau that

supports teachers and students in school districts throughout the world by

providing free top-notch lectures by a renowned and diverse group of scholars,

celebrities and content specialist on a variety of topics. The bureau has

partnered with Skype to utilize Skype's technology to improve the use of

technology as a teaching tool as well as to connect speakers with schools via

Skype. The 86400 Movement mission is to bring people together to use their gift

of 86400 seconds to make a positive difference in the world. The movement

strives to awaken the social consciousness of individuals thereby encouraging

volunteerism and social action in the areas of education and health & wellness.


    About OpenEduTalk:

    OpenEduTalk.com offers a platform for authors, actors, athletes, speakers,

business leaders and entrepreneurs to talk to students directly in their

classrooms, worldwide about relevant issues in real time, live via Skype.

Topics range from bullying to leadership. Our philosophy, "Talk to A Child,

Change A Life." The company was launched in 2011 and created by author and

entrepreneur, Jeff Rivera and Jane Ubell-Meyer, author, speaker and


     CONTACT: Skype

              Andrew Schmidt


              Kaplow for Skype

              Jennifer Myers



      SOURCE: Skype




