◎肺疾患の影響に一般の関心欠如  新たなデータが示す

Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)

◎肺疾患の影響に一般の関心欠如  新たなデータが示す

AsiaNet 49805

共同JBN 0855 (2012.6.27)

◎肺疾患の影響に一般の関心欠如  新たなデータが示す

【ロンドン2012年6月27日PRN=共同JBN】世界スパイロメトリーデー(World Spirometry Day)に合わせて27日に国際呼吸器学会フォーラム(Forum of International Respiratory Societies、FIRS)で公表された新たなデータは、世界で最多の死者を出している肺疾患(注1)-年間の死者はほぼ400万人に達する(注2)-についての一般の理解、関心が欠如していることを明らかにしている。





FIRSの議長であるクラウス・ラベ欧州呼吸器学会(European Respiratory Society、ERS)会長は「慢性肺疾患は大きな健康問題だが、FIRSの調査が示すように、その重荷は過小評価され続けている。肺疾患の深刻さだけでなくその予防のためにできることについても無知が広がっている。世界の国々が世界最高のアスリートの業績をたたえるなかで、われわれは肺の健康を改善するために何ができるかにまさに集中すべき時だと感じている」と語っている。




(注1)World Health Organization, Top Ten Causes of Death. Fact Sheet no. 310.

Last accessed on 18.04.12 at http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs310/en/index.html. When all lung diseases (Lower respiratory infections, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and tuberculosis) are combined, lung diseases are the leading cause of death.

(注2)NCD Alliance, Chronic Respiratory Diseases, last accessed on 07.03.12 at: http://www.ncdalliance.org/node/39

(注3)The most feared diseases (in order) are: Cancer (38%), Heart Disease (19%), and Stroke (9%). Source YouGov Survey, May 2012

(注4)European Lung Foundation, Spirometry Factsheet,


ソース:Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)

New Data Reveals Public Ignorance About the Impact of Lung Disease




    New data released by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies

(FIRS) to coincide with World Spirometry Day today has revealed a lack of

understanding and concern among the public about the world's biggest killer[1]

- lung disease, which now claims the lives of almost 4 million people a year[2].

    Despite the high incidence of lung disease, research conducted by YouGov

across four continents revealed that people are more worried about cancer,

heart disease and stroke[3]. This lack of concern is even more striking as data

shows that while the other major diseases have been decreasing as a cause of

death in the last three decades, death due to COPD has doubled in the same


    As well as underestimating the impact of lung disease, the public poll

reveals a lack of understanding about how to manage it. Despite the fact that

simple lung tests like spirometry can help detect conditions such as COPD and

asthma before the onset of debilitating symptoms, the survey revealed that the

majority, 57%, of respondents have never had their lungs tested.

    The research also revealed that 70% thought that those with lung disease

were unable to undertake even moderate exercise like swimming. However, in

reality, physical activity can help to manage and improve the symptoms of lung

disease such as breathlessness, even in the most severe cases.

    As the world gears up to the Olympics, FIRS is using the data to urge

people to get their lungs tested and to get active to improve their lung

health. On World Spirometry Day, and throughout the build up to the Olympics,

healthcare professionals will be taking to the streets across the globe to run

public lung testing events to raise awareness of spirometry testing. The test,

which usually takes less than 10 minutes[4], is the most effective way of

testing lung health.

    The Chair of FIRS and President of the European Respiratory Society (ERS),

Klaus Rabe, said:

    "Chronic lung disease is a major health issue but - as the FIRS poll shows

- its burden continues to be underestimated. There is widespread ignorance not

only around the seriousness of lung disease but about what can be done to

prevent it. As countries across the world celebrate the achievements of the

world's best athletes - we feel the time is right to focus on how we can all

improve our lung health.

    Supporters include Norwegian Olympic rower, Olaf Tufte, who has won two

gold and one silver medal, despite suffering from severe allergic asthma:

    "I am determined not to let my asthma limit me or restrict my ambitions.

Instead, I see it as one challenge among many that I need to master in order to

come top in my sport. People with lung conditions can lead healthy, active

lives - if they take steps to ensure their condition is identified early enough

and treated well."

          For information about World Spirometry Day, and testing events


                    place in your area or across Europe, please visit:


    1. World Health Organization, Top Ten Causes of Death. Fact Sheet no. 310.

Last accessed on 18.04.12 at

http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs310/en/index.html. When all lung

diseases (Lower respiratory infections, lung cancer, chronic obstructive

pulmonary disease (COPD) and tuberculosis) are combined, lung diseases are the

leading cause of death.

    2. NCD Alliance, Chronic Respiratory Diseases, last accessed on 07.03.12 at:


    3. The most feared diseases (in order) are: Cancer (38%), Heart Disease

(19%), and Stroke (9%). Source YouGov Survey, May 2012

    4. European Lung Foundation, Spirometry Factsheet,


    SOURCE: Forum of International Respiratory Societies (FIRS)




