◎マンデラ家と学校建設プロジェクトで協力 Lyoness Child & Family Foundation

Lyoness Management GmbH

◎マンデラ家と学校建設プロジェクトで協力 Lyoness Child & Family Foundation

AsiaNet 50204

共同JBN 1007(2012.8.1)

◎マンデラ家と学校建設プロジェクトで協力 Lyoness Child & Family Foundation

【グラーツ(オーストリア)2012年8月1日PRN=共同JBN】7月18日「ネルソン・マンデラ国際デー」の祝典の日、南アフリカ・クヌでLyoness Child & Family FoundationによるNo-Moscow 小学校の改築が始まった。ノーベル平和賞受賞者、ネルソン・ホリシャシャ・マンデラ氏は同プロジェクトを代表するパートナーの1人である。



21歳になるムブソ氏は子供時代をほとんどクヌで過ごし、Child & Family Foundationとの協力を始めた本人だが、今回のことについて「私たちとしてはここに住み古い建物や乏しいリソースしかない友人たちを助けたいと思っている」と説明している。




学校建設に必要な資金はすべてLyoness Child & Family Foundationが提供した。プロジェクトの開始に当たり、Lyoness創立者で最高経営責任者(CEO)のヒューバート・フライドル氏、Child & Family Foundation理事のニーナ・パッセガー氏、LYONESS.TVのチームが南アフリカを訪れている。フライドル氏は「学校の建設は記録的なスピードで行うつもりだ。マンデラ家と一緒になりこのプロジェクトを半年以内に実現する予定だ」と述べた。新校舎は7つの教室と図書館を持ち、生徒たちによりよい教育環境を提供すると期待されている。

▽Lyoness Child & Family Foundationについて

国際的に活動するショッピング・コミュニティー Lyonessの設立趣意書によれば、Lyoness Child & Family Foundationはコミュニティーとしての結びつきを強めるため、2008年に独立した慈善団体として創立された。この財団は、国内外の援助プロジェクトに対して「教育・機会・未来」をモットーにして支援を行っている。Lyonessコミュニティーの会員は同財団のプロジェクトを実現するため、売上げの一部を使って積極的に貢献している。対象になるのは主に世界の経済的に恵まれない国の子どもやティーンエイジャーのために機会を創出するプロジェクトである。




ソース:Lyoness Management GmbH


Silvia Weihs

(Head of Public Relations)

Lyoness Management GmbH

Karntner Strasse 9, 8020 Graz, Austria

e-mail: silvia.weihs@lyoness.ag

phone: +43(316)7077-680

mobile: +43(0)664-855-5241

Lyoness Child & Family Foundation Launches School Project Supported by Nelson Mandela


GRAZ, Austria, Aug. 1/ PRN=KYODO JBN/ -- -

     Rebuilding the No-Moscow Primary School in Qunu, South Africa, by the

Lyoness Child & Family Foundation started at the celebrations of the Mandela

Day on July 18th. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize,

is a prominent partner of the project.

    - Cross reference: Picture is available via epa european pressphoto agency

and can be downloaded free of charge at:

    http://www.presseportal.de/pm/101544 -

    Graca Machel, Nelson Mandela's wife, solemnly started construction of the

new No-Moscow Primary School in Qunu, the former South African president's

birthplace. Also his grandson Mbuso Mandela was present. "We would like to help

our friends who live here and who suffer from the obsolete building and the

limited resourses", explains the 21-year-old who spent much of his childhood in

Qunu and who has initiated the cooperation with the Child & Family Foundation.

    Graca Machel emphasized that the beginning of construction work at the same

time was the emotional beginning of the Mandela Day celebrations which are

traditionally being held on July 18th. On this day people world-wide are called

to do something good for others for 67 minutes - remembering that Nelson

Mandela has spent 67 years standing up for justice and human rights.

    Nelson Mandela also has been standing up for children and their right to

education all his life. "Mandiba adores children", says Graca Machel. "He does

everything he can for the children of his country and for offering good

education to them." Providing access to education for young people still is of

prime importance to him, the 94-year-old emphasized at the celebrations:

"Education is important because if you are not educated you can't be a leader."

    Thus the Mandela-family is very happy about the whole school project. "We

thank you for having come all the way from Austria and having chosen this place

for you to make a difference in South Africa", affirms Machel. "We are

absolutely sure that this is just the beginning of our relationship."

    All financial means for building the school were provided by the Lyoness

Child & Family Foundation. At the project's start Lyoness founder and CEO

Hubert Freidl, Nina Passegger, Director Child & Family Foundation, and a

LYONESS.TV-team were present in South Africa. "We intend to build the new

school in record time. We are planning to realise this project together with

the Mandela-family within the next six months", Freidl explains. The new school

will have seven class-rooms and a library and will offer a better learning

environment for the students.

    About the Lyoness Child & Family Foundation

    According to the founding idea of the internationally active shopping

community Lyoness, to be strong together as a community, the Lyoness Child &

Family Foundation was founded in 2008 as an independent charitable

organisation, which supports national and international aid projects under the

motto "Education. Chances. Future.". Each Lyoness member contributes actively

to the realization of the Foundation's projects with a part of their purchases.

These are mainly projects which create opportunities for children and teenagers

in economically deprived countries world-wide.


    Nelson Mandela (middle) with his grandson Mbuso Mandela (right) and the

Lyoness team (from left to right): Gerhard Buckholz (Lyoness South Africa),

company founder and CEO Hubert Freidl, Nina Passegger and Marko Sedovnik.

    Credit: LYONESS.TV

    More photos can be provided on request.


    For further questions please contact:

    Silvia Weihs

    (Head of Public Relations)

    Lyoness Management GmbH

    Karntner Strasse 9, 8020 Graz, Austria

    e-mail: silvia.weihs@lyoness.ag

    phone: +43(316)7077-680

    mobile: +43(0)664-855-5241

    SOURCE: Lyoness Management GmbH




